5. Unofficial cult

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"How is he?" Malek asked Lyris when he stepped inside the pack lands.

Lyris' face flushed at the mere question.

"He's nice."

Malek raised a brow.


"He's more than nice."

"Bruh come on give me more than that."

"He's a very unusual... fuck! I can't even describe him in a sentence."

Malek covered up his chuckle with a cough as he walked with his cousin to their home.

"Say no more. We need to run to the store real quick. Out of cheetos and caramel candies."

Lyris was grateful that his cousin dropped the subject.

The two boys masked their scent and visited Poppy's Jar, a small snack store that was near their school in the no-man's-land.

"Damn I'm taking all of 'em. They're fucking mine."

Malek said out aloud as he grabbed more than a handful of Cheetos.

"Fuck no, not all of them!" A familiar voice grunted.

"Tolen, hey," Lyris bumped fists with him.

"Oh look it's the witch," Malek commented dryly, making Tolen scowl.

"Oh look it's the mutt," Tolen commented flipped Malek off making the werewolf huff.

"I'm taking all of them." Malek stuffed all the packets inside the basket which Lyris was carrying.

Lyris shook his head.

"So, did you speak with him?"

"I did, we decided to start off as friends." Lyris announced, smiling slightly.

"Damn, good for you guys," Tolen patted Lyris on the shoulder and moved to the side, looking for banana flavored candies. "Oh and he's waiting right outside. We came to pick up some food. And by waiting I mean drinking blood. And by outside me a kilometer away."

Lyris frowned.


Tolen tilted his head to the side.

"No, rabbit."

Lyris shoved the basket to Malek and stepped outside and followed Viridian's scent, and witnessed the vampire hugging a rabbit.

Looks can sure be deceiving.

Lyris grinned, feeling excited to see his mate.

"Dian," Lyris called out.

The vampire still had his back to Lyris.

Lyris walked around him and saw his face hid inside the rabbit's neck.

"Dian, what are you doing?" Lyris hissed.

"What the fuck does it look like?" Viridian muttered and continued feeding.

Lyris frowned.

He didn't like the way his mate spoke to him.

"Don't talk to me like that, I don't like it," he mumbled making Viridian sigh.

He turned the other way, dropped the rabbit, wiped his mouth and turned back.

"I'm sorry, that's how I usually talk. I didn't mean to upset you." Viridian muttered.

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