27. Forgotten

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Everybody around the pack house stopped working the second they heard that name, and turned to look at Lyris.

"Okay let's go!" Sal took off running with Ekan.

Malek nudged Lyris.

Lyris looked at his cousin with a blank look. "Seems like we have work to do."

Malek shook his head. "Indeed."

A while later, the former Alpha sat in the office before Lyris, with a glum look on his face. "The kid belongs to the Valdev Clan. They might come looking for him sooner or later."

Malek nodded, leaning a chair. "We're waiting for that."

"We will also try reaching out to them, Jashin and Kole have some connections." Lyris explained.

All of their transmitters were alerted.

"Alpha they're here."


Lyris' remained calm on the exterior but Malek and Jashin could read through him like an empty page.

He was anxious.

Because he might see someone he didn't know if he wanted to see--his mate. He hadn't gotten around to getting rid of their mate bond since he came to the conclusion that it should require the consent of the other party and so far no luck.

Or no 'unluck'.

Ten black SUVs lined up one by one outside the pack house, immediately attracting attention.

The door of the third car flew open as soon as the car came to a halt a brunette woman came almost flying out of the car. "Ekan!"

She hugged the little boy who was holding Sal's hand, and reluctantly let it go.

"Mommy." The kid hugged his mother, feeling at home in her embrace.

All of them smell like vampires.

Lyris thought.

Jashin watched everyone with a hawk-like gaze, scanning everyone from head-to-toe, even the bulky bodyguards that stood outside the cars at a distance. He was usually someone that Lyris consulted on complicated situations along with Kole his other friend, so it was no surprise that he was present.

Kole parked his car in the parking lot and walked slowly, observing the newcomers, gaining himself some attention as he stood next to Lyris and Jashin. He was also noticeably tall, and the Alpha of Lyris' other neighbouring pack, Cold Mountain.

Lyris noticed a vampire approaching him and raised a brow. He didn't want to appear too kind.

"I'm Ralon Valdev, Ekan's father and the leader of the Valdev Clan." He extended his hand.

Lyris shook his hand and dropped it after a second, his face showing nothing.

"Lyris Hatchet, Alpha of Hayari."

The air around them slowly turned tense and cold, and the werewolves caught on.

"Thank you for keeping him safe." Ekan's mother looked gratefully at Lyris, coming to stand beside her husband.

"Of course." Lyris nodded.

"Why would you even leave a kid alone? You're lucky he's smart," Kole commented, tucking his hands in his pocket.

Lyris grunted, secretly Kole to shut up. Kole's reasoning has a loose lid and he often calls people out on their wrong doings, and it was nothing new to the werewolves, but nobody would've spoken to the vampires like that judging by their bodyguards' reactions, ready to pounce.

Ralon Valdev held out his hand, stopping his men. "Yes, our son's quite fast."

Jashin simply said nothing.

"Would you fancy something to eat?" Lyris was being polite.

Ralon Valdev grinned.

"It would be a pleasure."


Viridian was a name that simply wasn't uttered in Hayari. That name vanished along with the person.

And after two years, Ralon Valdev was the first person to mention him.

"Viridian has told me a lot about you." Ralon smiled, leaning back on his seat in the office as he sipped his rabbit blood.

Lyris said nothing--didn't blink or move a muscle.

"Glad he's alive." Malek drawled, shooting Ralon a sarcastic smile which was obvious.

Kole and Jashin stood around the room. Anyone would be intimidated being in a room with powerful Alphas and Betas, but Ralon had no problem comfortably sipping blood.

"I see that you have a lot to ask," Ralon commented, his eyes landing on Lyris.

Lyris shrugged.

"I have a lot to ask, but... I don't want to."

Ralon chuckled. "Come on, at least ask me where I live."

Lyris raised a brow. "Where do you live?"

"East border of North Carolina, fifty miles from here."

Malek tsked. "Too late man."

Ralon's expression fell serious. "Are you sure about that?"

Kole scoffed. "I'll say this once, politely, please get out of here, we want nothing to do with you."

Ralon laughed humorlessly. "You're wrong about that, but I will leave." He stood up, taking his glass of blood.

"It was nice meeting you." Lyris nodded curtly.

Ralon nodded genuinely. "Likewise. Thank you for helping my boy, I owe you."

"Ah there's no need for that," Lyris shook his head.

Ralon disagreed. "Nonsense, please don't hesitate to come to me for help."

Jasin frowned. "What did that mean?"

Ralon shook his head with a dismissive chuckle. "All with good intentions."

Lyris walked the vampire family to their car.

Ralon turned around before he got inside his car and shook Lyris' hand.

"See you at the meeting next week."

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