53. Rules and Rulers

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Viridian and Lyris were present at the court council a week after the war, and they had to take responsibility for their actions--they were stripped down of their title of Alpha and, the audience present in court had a lot to say.

"This is ridiculous!" A warrior of Jashin's pack yelled. "What about the leader of the Banshees? I don't see her being stripped down of her title?"

Loud murmurings filled the court. The council had unbiased panel of judges but they didn't see the Banshees as a big threat.

"Silence please," an elder judge ordered. "Factually speaking, the Banshees are not a threat--they did what they did because they were dependent on other packs and covens for resources. Moreover, they are not powerful enough to strike, like Viridian Yari and Lyris Hatchet over here."

"This is utter bullshit!" A warrior from Hayari yelled.

Viridian turned to the side to look at his mate who was sitting beside him like a stone, deep in thought. His eyes were focused on nothing in particular and Viridian could see the gears running in his head amidst all the chaos around them as people yelled.

Lyris spoke softly, feeling his mate's gaze on him.

"These people are ready to go to war for us, Viridian. That's not right. We should not have that kind of influence over our people." He slowly turned his head to face his mate. "We only reacted to the situation we were put in, but even that decision looks bleak."

Viridian knew that his mate had a lot to say, but he knew what he was going to say.

The court council had dismissed the audience altogether since they were acting out of decorum and there were only the panel of judges along with Viridian and Lyris present in court. Malek and Akaashi were standing gaurd at the far end.

"Mr. Yari and Mr. Hatchet," the elderly judge spoke up once again. "We are only stripping you of your title as Alpha of your pack. You can still go in pursuit of a title outside your pack, since both of you are qualified."

Viridian smiled a small smile. "May I know what were the role of our parents before they fought the war?"

Lyris looked at Viridian in surprise.

"They were the rulers of the Vampire Clan and Werewolf Clan." Another judge spoke up with a knowing smile--he was a vampire himself.

Viridian leaned back in his seat. "Then I presume we are qualified to be the rulers of the Werewolf Clan and the Vampire Clan."

The elderly judge nodded, adjusting his glasses as he looked down to read the book of conduct before him. The book of laws of the supernaturals.

"Very well then. There is nothing here that states that denies your suggestion, you are good to go."

Another judge spoke up. "If you ever decide to go forward with your suggestion, you should let the council know before word gets out. There are other prior formalities to follow."

Lyris was watching his mate with raised brows.

"Then I'm letting you know here and now." Viridian stood up, holding out a hand to his mate who gladly held his hand and stood alongside Viridian. "We have decided to rule the Vampire and Werewolf Clan--do we have any competitors?"

"None, that we are aware of."

"It's settled then," Viridian smiled a fake smile and turned around, clutching his mate's hand. "We'll set a date for coronation and be sure to invite you."


Lyris was watching Viridian from the balcony of the pack house. The half-vampire was running around the pack fields with Malek and Akaashi and a few other boys--vampire and werewolf.

"I heard what he said there," Tolen came to stand beside Lyris.

"Yeah? He's unpredictable," Lyris replied, unable to take his eyes off of Viridian.

"He's a good person Lyris, and way too smart, you guys deserve each other." Tolen chuckled.

Lyris hit Tolen's arm with a small laugh.

"Heard from Malek you were moving to Australia. Why?"

"I heard there's a coven there that helps retrieve some magic. I thought it might be good for me. Plus I don't really have anyone here to call family an-"

"Bullshit." Lyris cursed hitting Tolen's head. "We're all family here Tolen, just because you were in a coma doesn't mean you can forget important things."

Tolen chuckled. "Thanks for saying that."

"Virus! Tolen!" Viridian yelled from the ground. "Come on out here."

Lyris grinned at his mate and pulled Tolen with him. "Let's go."

Viridian pulled his mate in for a kiss, earning a surprised grunt from Lyris.

"What was that about?"

Viridian sighed dramatically. "Can't a guy kiss his wife?"

"Wife? What wife? Do I look like I ha--mmph."

"Woah, kids here," Viridian covered his mate's mouth with his hand.

Lyris pinched Viridian's hip, making the half vampire lose his clutch on his mate real quick.

"Why don't we go on a date?" Viridian asked, gathering his mate back in his arms, hugging his waist from behind.

"A date? Where?" Lyris unconsciously leaned into his mate, and Viridian smiled.

"Wherever you want."

"Go to Europe--Italy." Kingsley suggested, surprising the couple.

"I was thinking we could go to the nearest McDonald's!" Lyris exclaimed.

"Why Italy?" Viridian looked quizical.

"Food's great--art's great--city's great." Kingsley spoke unfased.

"Then Italy it is." Viridian kissed Lyris' cheek. "Pack your bags, Virus. We're leaving in six hours."

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