7. The hunters are back and hungry

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"I'm tired of the killing!"

Lyris exclaimed.

"Virus! Fuck! It's just about to get exciting!" Viridian exclaimed in a panic.

"I'm not killing anymooooore!" Lyris smacked the back of Viridian's head.

"Malek! MALEK! Grab the console, get the fucking CONSOLE! I'm dying!"

Viridian yelled, his fingers smashing at the console that was hovering mid air.

Lyris stared at his mate.

"I'd almost deny he killed an entire village if he keeps going at this rate," Lyris grumbled at his mate's antics.

"Broski! Where the fuck are you?" Malek screamed, occupying his space on the couch next to Viridian, who cringed slightly.

"Children, they are children, I swear," Lyris mumbled and stood up from the couch walking around the couch to get to the kitchen.

He looked around at the messy floor, filled with Cheetos crumbs and drops of juice here and there.

If the kitchen was a mess, the living room thrived in utter chaos.

Cheetos bags everywhere, watches and glasses here and there.

Lyris' jaw dropped when he saw the amount of pairs of sunglasses that Viridian had in his closet, and got easily annoyed when he found them in random places.

It would be lying around on the top of the shoe stand, under the couch, inside Cheetos packets, and Lyris was going absolutely mad.

Tolen would be around sometimes to clear up the mess with a snap of his fingers, but he had better things to do than clean Viridian's house.

Tolen had been disappearing frequently, giving different excuses for his absence.

The boys have made a routine of hanging around Viridian's space, and Lyris even sleeps over sometimes, since their school has been ordered to shut down for a month by the council.

It had been two weeks since the hunters incident, and Patrick would suggest that the boys train in their free time, which is exactly what they did. They would train in Viridian's backyard some days, or just practice speed by hunting deers.

Lyris and Viridian still had a lot to learn about each other, and they haven't had a proper opportunity to sit down and get to know each other better.

Even though the two agreed to be mates, none of them took the first step to ease each other into the bond.

Viridian simply didn't know the difference between friendship and being mates, and Lyris didn't know how to tell his mate the difference.

"Don't bother."

Tolen appeared out of nowhere, making Lyris jump, just as he went to grab the litter lying around in the kitchen.

Lyris' heart was thudding against his chest, and he pressed his palm to it.

"Tolen, please use the front door like a normal person."

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