17. Flaunting hips

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"Are you seriously meeting her?" Malek asked Viridian as the latter drank rabbit blood.

Viridian shrugged.

The two were in the standing in the first floor balcony of the pack house, seeming to have a difference of opinion about Viridian meeting Tiserdel.

"Dude, that bitch is claiming to be your mate and you wanna meet her?! When you're already mated to my brother?! Do you hear how mad that sounds?!"

Viridian drank the last of the blood and looked at the werewolf with a grim look, nodding slowly.

"I hear you, but I can't be dependent on you guys for everything and put you in harm's way. She's fishy and I want to find out what she's up to," the half vampire declared.

"Fine," Malek muttered, "did you tell Lyris yet?"

"No and I don't plan to, he's already paranoid enough about the entire fiasco, I'd rather him not worry," Viridian explained with a sigh.

Malek looked at him--judging him.

"You're fucking annoying dude," Malek grunted.

Viridian rolled his eyes.

"I really don't care what you think about me, I know what I'm doing, Mal, I'm meeting that girl and finding out what she's up to," Viridian muttered, sitting down on the garden chair in the balcony.

Malek looked at him with a subtle hint of guilt which soon vanished when Viridian looked at him.

"Just... how are you? Y'know, after all the shifting?" Malek asked.

Viridian pulled down the sunglasses from his head, covering his eyes from the sun.

"Peachy--I can hold up just fine, I'm just unable to sleep at night. Y'all keep asking me the same thing like it actually hurts like shit, I felt no pain at all."

Malek turned his back towards the railing and leaned back, looking at Viridian with hooded eyes.

"How's Lyris feeling about all this?"

"Pretty anxious but he's very good at hiding it--you'd miss it if you didn't have my eyes. I'm not sure how exactly to address anything to Lyris anymore actually, I feel like he's been avoiding talking about Tiserdel."

Malek scoffed.

"Of course. None of us even like her, she just pisses all of us," Malek muttered.

Viridian smirked.

He seemed to be the only one to realize that Tiserdel was right below the balcony for some reason but he chose not to warn Malek.

"It's only been a day since she got here," Viridian defended her with reason. "I've been hoping to run into her so we can have a chat."

Malek grunted.

"Do whatever you want."

Viridian looked into the distance with an unspoken glint in his eyes, noticing werewolves from another pack guarding outside the pack border.

He knew he'd run into Tiserdel later today because nobody is dumb enough as Tiserdel and her pack.


"You need to help me train, Virus," Viridian said the minute he stepped inside their condo.

Lyris popped his head up from the couch lazily, crumbs decorating him.

"Okay, but can we leave after ten minutes? Bright is too good here, apparently Sarawat liked Tine before they even met, isn't that crazy, I was shook," Lyris said, sitting up, making crumbs fall to the floor which were automatically cleaned by the vaccum under his couch.

Viridian rolled his eyes.

"Just how obsessed are you with that show?" Viridian asked, flicking his mate's forehead.

"It's so good! You need to watch it with me," Lyris held Viridian's hand in a tight grip, pulling him to have a seat beside him.

Viridian suppressed a grin.

He felt warm whenever his mate was affectionate. It took the half vampire to a state of dilemma; he's never been this content in his life and he didn't know much about himself until he met Lyris who stops Viridian's world with an earthquake. He'd never even smiled all that much until he met his mate and if anyone was trying to take what he has now, he wouldn't stop until that person was dead at his feet.

"Isn't that great?" Lyris chuckled.

Viridian wasn't listening to him at all, he was just staring at him.

"Uh yeah, that's great I guess."

Lyris nodded.

"It's an old show, but it's sick like there should be more series like this. Together: The series just takes me away," Lyris went on.

"Why do you even like it that much?"

Lyris looked at his mate like he had grown two heads.

"First, they all look great, obviously. Second, Bright's acting is just so so good, he just kills it on screen. The chemistry? Nobody can deny their on screen chemistry. The plot is interesting, they keep you guessing and wanting for more," Lyris took a deep breath. "You need to watch it with me."

Viridian stood up.

"Fine, but your ten minutes are up, so let's go, we can have dinner and watch it before going to bed," Viridian convinced.

Lyris nodded his head, containing his excitement.

After two hours of vigorous training in the empty gym, Lyris had had enough.

"You train too much," he grunted, removing his shirt, while trying not to stare too much at his already shirtless mate.

Viridian's back was to him; he was lifting the dumbbells.

"You're just-" his words got stuck at his throat once he saw his mate shirtless for the first time.

He gulped.

"I'm just what?"

Lyris acted clueless but he knew what was up.

He smirked.

Viridian looked away.


Lyris let out an unmanly giggle at that.

"Let's go I'm hungry," Viridian walked back to their condo speedily.

"Wait up," Lyris jogged after him, giggling.

But Viridian stopped short.

"I can smell her," he stated, putting his shirt back on.

"Where?" Lyris asked, knowing who it was.

"Around our condo."

Lyris pulled his shirt back on too.

"I'll go straight to the pack house, she can't see you with me," Lyris said half heartedly, not really liking the fact that Tiserdel was lurking around their house, obviously looking for Viridian.

Viridian nodded, watching Lyris jog towards the pack house.

Viridian prepared himself for meeting Tiserdel the minute she was accepted into the pack. He didn't want to reveal about him being a hybrid to her. He'd first see what she knew about him and tread accordingly.

He walked towards the condo casually and soon met her outside just as she was about to knock on the door.

She stopped and turned around with a jump.

Viridian raised a brow.

She does look beautiful.

Tiserdel spoke first without wasting a second.

"We finally meet."

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