15. Clocked

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Lyris sat up with a groan, rubbing his eyes.

He suddenly sat straight, remembering what happened before he fell asleep and looked around immediately, realizing that he was in the tent.

He almost screamed when he saw a black wolf staring at him from the ground.

"Dian? Is that you?" He asked softly.

The wolf stood up and nudged Lyris' legs.

"Oh my gosh you're huge, you look so beautiful," Lyris said running a hand through the wolf's silky black coat.

The wolf huffed and all of a sudden Viridian was back to his human form, and what Lyris was previously touching to happened to be Viridian's pecs.

"Ah oh my god!" Lyris exclaimed, removing his hand and covering his eyes.

Viridian snorted.

"Just get up, let's go," he nudged Lyris' shoulder.

Lyris shook his head.

"Are you decent down there?" He asked.

"Yes I'm wearing pants, now come let's go I'm hungry."

Viridian sounded impatient.

Lyris stood up and hugged Viridian without thinking.

"How are you feeling? Are you alright?"

Viridian looked at him fondly, hugging him back.

"I'm feeling fine, I'm just really hungry for meat right now," he muttered.

"How long was I out for?"

"Two hours max."

"Damn, how did you change back?"

"I just thought about it, it was easier than I thought it would be."

Lyris pulled away with a sigh of relief, smiling gratefully.

"I'm just really glad you're ok."

It was five in the morning, and people were still stationed around the tent, on the lookout for suspicious activity.

"Of course, you worried for nothing," Viridian smiled lightly, flicking his mate's forehead.

The couple walked back towards the pack house and people greeted them on the way, concerned about Viridian's well being.

Viridian was overwhelmed and Lyris could sense that, so he hooked his arm around his mate's.

"First thing we're doing after getting some food is hitting the bed." Lyris stated.

"Sounds like heaven." Viridian agreed.

Lyris was not about to let his mate bear the burden of being a hybrid all on his own. It was rare to be a hybrid since no werewolves were ever mated with vampires, but Viridian seemed to be the start of a revolution.

They met with their friends halfway through their journey to their condo.

"Ahh good to see you dude," Malek said, patting Viridian's back.

"Mal, that was so random and out of nowhere but yes it's good to see you Viridian," Rama clapped Viridian's shoulder.

"Same bro," Linga blurted making Viridian chuckle.

"You all are so weird," he said.

"Yes, yet you're the hybrid," Kingsley commented.

"I guess," Viridian shrugged.

He seemed to be okay with the idea of being part wolf, but it was still news to him.

"Your bond, it disappeared," Tolen spoke up.

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