31. Distasteful thoughts

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Two days later, Lyris was on his way to his office when he heard news of a certain half-vampire demanding to meet him. 

It wasn't that he didn't want to meet Viridian. It was actually the opposite, but his pack members had an opinion on Viridian and it didn't seem to be a good one. People had formed their own opinion about Viridian within the pack, and it was out of Lyris' control--not that he wanted to control it anyway, since he himself had no idea what Viridian's motive was.

Up from the window of the first floor of the pack house, Lyris noticed Viridian arguing with Malek and Ralon, along with a couple of other members from Squad Q and Ekan.

Viridian looked up sensing his mate's presence but Lyris was faster in ducking out of Viridian's sight, but he had to face the music anyway.

"Aagh," Lyris groaned, stepping downstairs to the foyer and soon he was outside, approaching the chaos.

"What's happening?" Lyris asked, his eyes completely avoiding Viridian, and holding Ekan's hand when the kid came to stand next to him and held his hand.

"He wanted to see you." Rama mentioned, scratching the back of his head.

Lyris' poker face was on as he turned to Viridian and said: "You've seen me, now you can leave." 

"The whole fucking thing, Rama." Viridian narrowed his eyes at Rama, willing him to tell his entire reason for visiting Hayari.

Rama sighed. "Ralon and his team want to meet you to discuss some important things with you."

Lyris raised a brow but nodded, inviting Ralon to his office as he completely ignored the half-werewolf. Viridian was not offended, and in fact, it didn't seem like he was going to do something to mend their broken bond anytime soon, but no one could tell what he was really thinking since he was usually very reckless.

Ekan took off running when he saw Sal.

"What is the matter?" Lyris sounded formal, as he sat down once they were in his office.

"We want to discuss your royal relations with Viridian." Ralon stated, sitting down in front of Lyris, beyond the glass desk while Viridian made himself comfortable by leaning on one of the side desks.

"Sure." Lyris nodded and glanced at Viridian quickly, who was indeed staring at him.

"How exactly are you two related?" Ralon leaned back in his seat.

"Well we are not related by blood. My parents fought in the great war alongside his parents." Lyris breathed. "Those days, hybrids were not normal and were considered an abomination, so when people figured out that Viridian's parents were not of the same clan, people went against them. According to the former Alpha of Hayari, Viridian was birthed in secrecy so people didn't come after him, but word got out anyway and clans came together, both to defend hybrids and attack them. Apparently hybrids existed those days but went into hiding but Viridian's birth was more threatening since his father was a direct royal descendant and his mother was the prime minister's daughter, a werewolf and also my mother's friend--hence the royal status."

Ralon listened to him intently, but Viridian was still staring at Lyris.

"You are also a direct royal descendant, correct? Your mother and father were the Queen and King of the Werewolf Clan?"

"Yes." Lyris nodded. "You seem to know a lot about this, what's the purpose of this meeting?"

"We found an anonymous parcel and inside it was this," Ralon handed Lyris a crumpled paper.

Dear Lyris and Viridian,

Your royal status have to be announced in order for you to be safe, Banshees and Hunters are after you.

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