48. Pride

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"But it will be great!" Malek exclaimed, pulling Akaashi's sleeve as they played around on the diwan of Lyris and Viridian's cabin. Their place had become a gathering spot for all the boys as they started to hang out more often during their free time.

"Malek," Akaashi shook his head.

Malek loved the way how his name rolled off his mate's tongue.

"Viridian tell him!" Malek groaned, looking across the lounge room where Viridian was sitting, drinking wine.

"There are hunters out there." Viridian said bluntly.

Malek's face fell.

Akaashi nodded, and adjusted Malek to be closer, and pulled his cheek. "We can have a pride fest here if you want."

Malek perked up. "Really?"

Lyris appeared from the living room and tossed his VR gaming console to his mate. "Kingsley wants you. I suck at Black Ops."

Viridian kissed Lyris on his cheek as he left the lounge, leaving the latter to occupy where he was seated previously. "What are you guys talking about?"

"What do you think about a pride fest? Within the pack?" Malek beamed. "We can invite our other pack friends too, it'd be great."

"You want to recreate the 2000s pride march and everything?" Lyris chuckled.


Malek was genuinely excited.

"Isn't that very old fashioned? Because, pride marches used to be a thing when people's sexuality identified as a lot of things--a lot. Now we just like who we like. We don't use labels anymore do we?"

Malek nodded. "Yes, you're right, what you say makes sense because we like who we like and we don't use labels anymore, but it could be a self-love thing where we just appreciate ourselves for being the way we are. Isn't that more important?"

Lyris shook his head, smiling. "Okay, let's have a pride fest."

Soon, preparations for the pride fest began to take place in Hayari and the entire pack was abuzz. Invites were sent out to the neighboring packs and packs that are in a tie up with Hayari.

Viridian went about the whole thing statistically.

He knew that they were hosting a big event and that came along with political threats. All of them were aware of what they were doing.

"Virus!" Viridian marched inside Lyris' office by throwing open the double doors with a grin. "We are inviting humans."

Lyris sighed and looked at his mate with a humorous look. "I knew you'd say that."

Viridian winked at his mate and sat on Lyris' desk, facing him. "You know me well then."

"Tell me what you have in mind." Lyris asking, propping up his elbows on the table and interwining his fingers.

Viridian stuffed his hands in his pocket and smiled devilishly. "The whole point is to lure in the enemies using this event as bait. But, it's going to be a masquerade."

Lyris frowned. "But wouldn't it be easier for them? We're basically setting ourselves a trap."

Viridian shook his head.

"That's where technology comes in." The half vampire sounded pleased with himself. "I've given our pack's tech team three days to come up with an AI drone that can shoot on the spot after identifying the target. Supernaturals and humans are going to have different entry and exit points where they enter their fingerprint instead of scanning their id." He took a deep breath and smiled at his mate. "You're welcome."

Lyris hummed, feeling proud of his mate. "I hope you didn't threaten our tech team."

Viridian waved his hands. "A little scolding hurts no one."

Lyris knew that his mate's little scolding meant terrorizing.

"What am I gonna do with you?" Lyris sighed and got up from his chair, and walked straight into his mate's arms, wrapping his arms around Viridian's neck.

"You can do a lot of things with me." Viridian wiggled his eyebrows.

Lyris chuckled. "Just shut up." He dove in for a kiss and the half vampire wasted no time in wrapping his arms around his mate's waist and pulled him impossibly closer.

Lyris was gasping for breath as he pulled away. "You're always so rough."

Viridian squeezed Lyris' ass and smirked. "You like it though."

"Oh I'm not complaining." Lyris laughed and pulled Viridian's hair, wanting another kiss.

Viridian pulled away when he heard his mate moan his name. "Let's go home."


"I like the cream-coloured ones." Malek jumped up, choosing the colour for their banner's background.

"No, just no, go with black or something." Akaashi groaned.

They were in the Friday market in the town next to Hayari to buy supplies for the fest. In-person buying has come down a great deal ever since teleportation became a thing six years ago, so very few people were around.

"But it's literally just for the banner," Malek threw his hands up and pointed to the hover-bag. "Look at that bag--everything is black."

Indeed, Akaashi bought all black coloured decors for the fest.

The vampire rolled his eyes.

"No, don't fucking roll your eyes at me, it's a bloody pride fest Akaashi, not a funeral. There's literally no colour in that bag, this is why I don't come shopping with you."

"Well I was already here when Lyris and Viridian asked me." Akaashi tried to defend himself.

"You should've fucking waited!" Malek narrowed his eyes and turned to the shop keeper. "Cream coloured ones please. And rainbow cut outs too."

"Stop being so mad," Akaashi pulled Malek's hand after they were done shopping.

"Then stop being a dumb, black loving, brainless maniac," Malek grumbled, letting himself be pulled.

"Let's get sushi on the way, you love sushi," Akaashi nuzzled Malek's neck.

"We're in public," Malek hissed.

"So what, no one's here anyway."

The Friday market alley was deserted after twelve at night, since Friday markets were usually for the poor working class who couldn't afford high technology to purchase things.

Viridian sent Akaashi here for a reason, and the latter could clearly understand why, when he sensed two pairs of eyes watching down on him and his mate from the roof of a closed building.

Akaashi smirked.

Not so slick, huh.


Sorry for the late update you guys, college is kicking my ass. But good news is, we're near the end of the book, a couple more chapters to go!

I'd like to hear chapter suggestions from you guys, for bonus chapters!

Have a great day!

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