19. Fleeting moments

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Malek was walking around the pack lands with a packet of Cheetos in hand, looking to be deep in thought. He didn't understand why he hadn't found his mate yet, but he didn't give it much thought, he just wanted to find some meaning in his existence--a purpose.

"You're acting weird."

Malek jumped back, startled.

Tolen seemed to have caught him off guard.

"Don't bloody do that," Malek grunted.

Tolen rolled his eyes, looking around the buzzing pack lands. People were everywhere, just playing around, and doing their daily chores.

"Do you want to go into town with me?" Tolen asked, stuffing his hands inside his pocket, gazing expectantly at the werewolf.

"Sure, we can walk there," Malek agreed.

Malek fell back into thoughts, letting it consume him.

Lyris and Viridian had been taking their time figuring out why an Alpha needs Viridian's blood, and the rest of the boys had been tracking and coordinating movements outside the pack, and Malek just couldn't bring himself to be useful; he had been way too much in his own head.

Tolen glanced at the werewolf once in a while, wanting to know what drove Malek into a silent corner, but he didn't know how to ask him without making the situation awkward. The two of them were still in a stage where they'd have their hands on each other's throats when one pisses the other, but Tolen figured that was their common ground.

"You've been gone a while," Tolen spoke up, kicking the stones on the road as they walked.

Malek glanced at Tolen and shrugged.

"I've just been thinking a lot lately."

"'Bout what?"

"Just stuff. Random stuff."

Tolen wasn't convinced with the answer.

"What kind of stuff?" He prodded.

Malek furrowed his brows.

"Well somebody seems awfully nosy," he commented.

Tolen ran a hand through his hair.

"If the only person I can actually make a conversation with besides Viridian and Lyris is you, so that makes you an important person." He blurted.

Malek frowned, wanting to know more about Tolen's perspective on him.

"And? What's your point?"

"My point is, I give a shit about you. And I want to know why you've been distant lately. I've hardly seen you around," Tolen muttered.

"Thanks." Malek murmured.


"Thanks for giving a shit."

Tolen shrugged, "You're my friend."

Malek shook his head.

"And I'll tell you this because you're my friend," the werewolf confessed. "I've just been thinking about how to make myself useful given our circumstances."

Tolen sighed and spoke.

"I'll tell you something, Mal. You're one of the warrior wolves of Hayari, and each member of the pack is important. Every single one. You can assist the pack in combat power, and you're coming in handy when it comes to the extraction of intel. You're present in most important situations, and you're one of the main faces of the pack, you get what I'm saying?"

Malek nodded slowly.

Tolen went on.

"Also, you're one of my very few friends, and an advisor to Viridian and Lyris, and in my book, that makes you a very important person." He chuckled.

Malek smirked, "You're stroking my ego here."

Tolen rolled his eyes.

"I'm just trying to get to you however I can by spewing one of the most realistic shits I've ever said--you're way too important, Mal."

"Thanks, Tolen. Really."

Tolen nodded dismissively.

"Why are we in town now anyway?" The werewolf asked.

"Viridian's birthday is coming up, so we're here to get him a present."

"What are you gonna get?"

"Lube and condoms?"


Lyris was sprawled on the floor of his cabin, with his PlayStation, feeling so overwhelmed after watching Boruto. He became a little depressed seeing the fight between Naruto and Isshiki Otsutsuki but that lasted only for a minute before he saw Viridian step into their cabin.

He jumped up and went to go greet his mate.

He did not think twice about pouncing on Viridian as soon as he saw him.

"Oof, hey there," Viridian caught him just in time.

"Let's go out tonight," Lyris mumbled, letting his face hang over his mate's shoulder.

"Where do you want to go?" Viridian asked, closing the front door with his legs and setting his mate down on the kitchen counter.

"Just anywhere, please," Lyris groaned, squishing the half vampire's face affectionately.

"How about a long drive? We can get dinner outside," Viridian suggested.

Lyris nodded with a grin and pulled Viridian into a tight hug.

Viridian sighed contently against his mate, excited about their little date together. Lately he has been suppressing his desire for his mate and was having a very hard time controlling it, since his senses were heightened after shifting.

When he lets Lyris consume his mind, it happens completely and wholly, letting no nook or cranny be empty.

He often felt it all happens for a reason, and when he related his own circumstances to that saying, he feels very lucky to have Lyris by his side.

"Hey, did you know, we have school starting next week?" Lyris asked trying to look at his mate by pulling away from the hug but Viridian didn't budge.

"Hmm, finally, we can put this all behind us," Viridian murmured. "Maybe I'll take the same classes as you."

Lyris chuckled.

"Sure, if you can keep up."

Viridian pulled away, thinking.

"We'll see about that," he pinched his mate's cheek.

"Let's go to the carnival in the next town tonight." Lyris said.

"Whatever you want, Virus."

Maybe their relationship can move a step ahead with what Viridian has in mind.

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