38. Much needed displays of affection

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When Lyris woke up the next morning in his own bed, he was beaming thinking about everything that happened last night between him and his mate, but he was slightly disappointed when he found out that his mate was not with him.

He found a note on his nightstand: Meet me at the south cliff. -V

Lyris felt somewhat lighter and at home as he smiled to himself, thinking about his mate. Viridian had decided that he'd go back to his mate, whatever that meant, but even without much knowledge on the subject, Lyris was hopeful. Very much so and it becomes ten fold every time he glances down at the necklace around his neck.

He let the boys from Squad Q handle all the pack business for the day as he drove up to the cliff to see his mate--the cliff where they decided to be mates a couple of years ago.

Viridian was waiting for his mate to get to him, and he couldn't hide his smile when he saw his mate get out of the car. 

Lyris smiled shyly at Viridian, who was smirking at his mate's shyness. It mattered a whole lot to the half vampire how he made his mate feel, and right now, it was pretty obvious how Lyris felt.

"Hi," Lyris waved shyly, stopping in front of his mate.

"How did you get this shy over night?" Viridian teased.

Lyris looked away. "Shut up, I'm not shy."

"Really? Well then can you look at me and say that to my face?" Viridian leaned his face down and forward.

Lyris rolled his eyes and turned his head but he was rethinking his decision when he saw Viridian's face so close to his own.

"I'm not sh--okay now so what if I'm shy?" Lyris blushed as he said that, being all bashful.

Viridian clicked his tongue. "Nothing, I like it."

Lyris blushed but he decided to ignore how good Viridian's words made him feel since it was not good for the heart. 

"Why'd you call me here?" The werewolf looked around.

The cliff was surrounded by dense forest and the two of them could hear all kinds of bird sounds echoing around. The view was breathtaking.

"Oh, I just wanted to spend time with you." The half vampire shrugged.

But that one sentence was enough to set fire to Lyris' heart--in a good way. 

"And I also wanted to say," Viridian paused, picking up something from his pocket. "Happy birthday, Virus."

He was holding a gold and diamond bracelet in his hands. He gently held Lyris' hand as he wound it around his mate's right wrist.

Lyris was not functioning.

He just stopped and stared blankly at his mate, making Viridian chuckle.

"Did I break you?" Viridian tilted his head to the side, something that Lyris found very adorable which snapped him out of his stupor.

"Huh? What? No. No no. I mean, I'm fine." The werewolf glanced down at his hand that Viridian was still holding. "Dian, this is very--thank you."

"You like it?"

Viridian pulled his mate closer, still not letting go of his hand.

"I mean, yeah, it's gold and diamond. I'm not going to be one of those people that say 'oh no I can't accept this, this is too much' no I just can't say that. This is expensive and you gave it to me so I want to keep it, yeah, I mean, it's important, like you gave it to me and I can't just not ha-"



"I get it."

"You do?"

"I do."

Lyris gulped. He was afraid and still a little shy to look at his mate's face, because he might get very emotional and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his mate by crying or anything.

"I really like it," Lyris' voice cracked. 

Their bond appeared around them, sizzling and hissing in a golden shade.

Lyris wanted to hug his mate and somehow Viridian knew, so the half vampire gently tugged his mate in for a hug. 

Lyris wasted no time in wrapping his arms around Viridian's neck and pressed himself into his mate. The half vampire smiled to himself, coiling his arms around the werewolf's waist.

A tear or two might have escaped Lyris' eyes and Viridian might have known that but he didn't comment on it, just pulled his mate closer.

"Thank you," the werewolf whispered, removing his head from his mate's shoulder. 

He made a move to pull away but was arrested in place by Viridian, who gently wiped his mate's face.

All of this was rushing into Lyris' head, pumping up his adrenaline as he took it all in--the feeling of being in Viridian's embrace and just the entirety of the situation that he liked so much. 

"I know I'm not the best mate out there," Viridian started. "Who am I kidding, I'm not even remotely close to that, but for you, Virus, I'd do anything. Anything."

Lyris chuckled, few more stray tears escaping him.

"Thank you, I really appreciate that."

The werewolf smiled as he said that, looking right into his mate's eyes as he pressed himself into his mate, making breaths collide and hearts beat faster.

Lyris bit his lips and Viridian's eyes zeroed in on that.

"And since it's my birthday, I want to ask something of you."

The half vampire inhaled sharply. His mate was doing things to him.

"What is it?"

"I want you to kiss me."

Viridian didn't need to be told twice as he went straight with his mate's wish, attacking Lyris' lips with his own.

Lyris dug his fingers into Viridian's hair, earning a growl in return. The half vampire held his mate tight by the waist, earning a slight moan from him whenever he squeezed his hips. 

Viridian didn't want to stop any time soon as he licked Lyris' bottom lip making the latter open his mouth. Soon, tongues collided and by the time they pulled away, they were out of breath.

They rested their foreheads against each other's as they shared this moment of affection. 

They were not hiding how much they liked the kiss and it seemed like Lyris really enjoyed it judging by the amount of sounds he let out.

Lyris' face was slowly turning beet red as realization hit him.

He was full on blushing in a matter of few seconds, feeling extremely and utterly shy.

He was about to pull away but Viridian didn't budge.

"Virus, we're not done yet."


Omg omg omg omg omg omg they kissed!!!!

Aren't they the cutest?!?!?!#$&

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