Epilogue (Part 2)

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"Alarion! Stop right there!" Viridian's voice boomed across the hallway as he ran behind his five-year-old.

Alarion didn't stop as he ran faster, holding chocolates that didn't fit in his tiny hands. He had a wide grin on his face as he was being chased by one of his fathers.

Viridian could not catch up with him.

Alarion was a fast vampire.

Alarion was adopted by Viridian and Lyris four years ago. It was the time when the supernatural world was hit by their first flood, and the flood carried Alarion in its arms.

"Aaah!" Alarion screamed, laughing.

Lyris had caught him from the other end of the hallway.

The on-lookers smiled, shaking their heads. This seemed to be a regular scene in the kingdom.

"And you call yourself a vampire?" Lyris taunted, raising a brow at his mate.

"Half-vampire." Viridian corrected him. "I just got off the phone with the principal. He threw crayons on a girl's head today."

Lyris sighed, struggling to hold his child, and picked up a protesting Alarion.

"The redhead?" He asked.

"The redhead." Viridian nodded.

"Why are you even sending him to school?" Malek asked, walking with a stack of envelopes in hand. "We can homeschool him, just like we do Klyden."

Malek and Akaashi managed to artificially give birth to a boy seven years ago--Klyden. He seemed to be a quiet kid, so he preferred being home schooled. Technology had been kind in certain aspects, and education was one of them.

"He doesn't want to leave Harry's side. He's too smart for a five-year-old." Lyris shook his head. "Harry's parents think it's important for him to experience life traditionally."

Viridian breathed through his nose and gently picked up his child from Lyris.

Alarion fell quiet.

"I didn't do anything papa," he said quietly.

Viridian had managed to master a poker face--one that wasn't too cold, nor warm. It was just right to make Alarion spill his guts.

"We heard you threw crayons on a girl this time. Is that true?" Viridian asked.

Lyris looked away, trying to control his laughter. Viridian narrowed his eyes at his mate and turned back to Alarion with a poker face.

Alarion nodded slowly.

"Why?" Viridian asked.

Alarion rested his head on Viridian's shoulder and whined. "She was being mean to Harry."

"Oh, then that's good." Viridian smiled.

"Really? Can I throw crayons at her?" Alarion lifted his head up, grinning.

Lyris shook his head at Viridian.

"Absolutely. If she's being mean of course."

Malek shot a sly look at Lyris and mumbled. "Thank God Klyden isn't here."

"Then can I have more chocolate?" Alarion beamed.

Viridian kissed his son's forehead.

"Of course."


Alarion was twelve years old now, but he was taller for his age.

He had a lot of friends, but a lot of foes too. It was all a part and parcel in the life of a twelve-year-old.

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