33. Sober realizations

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Lyris sat up clutching his head, feeling strangely calm.

He looked around the unfamiliar place he was in and tried to find familiar scents but he came up with none and his transmitter was missing, but his eyes went wide like saucers when he found his mate draped over a recliner beside the bed where he slept soundly.

"What on earth?" He mumbled, his voice disturbing the quiet morning air.

Viridian was awake the next second he heard Lyris speak. His entire body was on alert as he sat up straight, running a hand through his hair.

Lyris was openly gawking at his mate.

"Looks like you slept well," Viridian commented as he stood up.

He walked towards the bed Lyris was sitting on and loomed over his mate, looking at him with unreadable eyes. Lyris unconsciously backed away and Viridian pulled away in an instant and cleared his throat.

"Wh-what," Lyris cringed at his own voice. "What am I doing here?"

Viridian moved away to pour a glass of water from the desk, while Lyris watched him like a hawk.

"You were drunk, so I brought you here." Viridian said quietly, not knowing what to add to that.

Lyris pursued his lips, looking at his mate. He had wanted to hear Viridian's side of the story, but he just got all angry whenever he saw his mate's face and avoided the possibility of a proper conversation, but he still needed an apology.

Lyris gently grabbed the glass of water when Viridian handed it to him, along with a headache pill for werewolves.

The room was so quiet.

Viridian didn't take his eyes off his mate as he swallowed the pill and downed the glass of water.

"I know I owe you an apology," Viridian started, shoving his hands inside his pocket. "I'm sorry Lyris, for everything."

Lyris' breath hitched and he nodded slowly, not looking away from his mate.

"Viridian," Lyris began, and his mate was all ears after having heard his name being uttered by the werewolf after so long. "I also need an explanation."

Viridian nodded. "I know."

"When am I going to get that?"

"Let's get lunch today." Viridian's eyes gleamed.

He wanted something out of this miserable situation their bond was in--something good, something to make them realize that they needed each other.


Lyris agreed.


"You're getting lunch? With Viridian?" Jashin questioned Lyris' life choices.

Lyris nodded, raising a brow at Jashin. "What, I deserve to know why I've been lied to and taken for a ride."

Jashin nodded, looking out into his pack lands from the pack house's balcony. The two decided to hold a meeting in Jashin's about distribution of goods supply among their packs, but Kole was running late as usual.

Jashin lit up a joint making Lyris scrunch his face. "I don't know why you even like that thing."

Jashin narrowed his eyes. "I could say the same thing about Viridian."

Lyris rolled his eyes, leaning forward on the railing of the balcony, from where he spotted Kole arguing with a kid. Jashin followed Lyris' line of vision and noticed Kole.

"What's the fuck's he up to now?" Jashin muttered.

Kole bent down to the kids level and said something to which the kid nodded vigorously, and lifted his hand up in the air, trying to hit Kole, but the older werewolf caught it, smiling. Kole said something to the kid again and stood up, handed the kid a lollipop and was back on his way.

"He's weird. So weird." Jashin chuckled, shaking his head and Lyris agreed wordlessly.

Soon, the three of them were inside Jashin's office, and their official meeting soon became unofficial when Kole figured that Lyris was going on a date with Viridian.

"Hold up, you're going on a date? Are you sure about that?" Kole asked.

Lyris frowned.

He thought Kole would be the most supportive out of all of his friends since he insisted that Viridian might've had a reason for doing what he did.

"Yeah. I am."

Lyris was confident. Confident enough. "But it isn't a date."

Kole rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, two people in a 'kind-of' relationship going out to grab some food equals a date. Don't be bullshitting Lyris."

Lyris flipped him off and stood up. "Speaking of which I need to get back and prepare myself mentally before I leave, toodles."

He waved off and soon, he was off of Jashin's pack and in his own.

He saw Kingsley and Lingaa being awkward around each other as they patrolled around the border. Kingsley is trying to get closer to Lingaa who is blushing and pushing him away.

Lyris shook his head, but he couldn't help the ache in his heart.

He used to have that with his mate. Whatever Kingsley and Lingaa, Akaashi and Malek have between them, he used to have that with Viridian. It was no surprise that he missed all of that, especially when he has this circle of a beautiful bond blossoming around for everybody expect himself.

The first thing he did when he reached his cabin was fall down face first on his bed. This was the cabin he called home after Viridian left, and he moved here since this cabin didn't have a single trace of Viridian.

He lazily looked up when he heard a knock on the door and all of his senses came alive when he smelled Viridian's scent looming behind the door of his cabin.

Lyris' heart was beating faster than ever and he quickly took a once over at his appearance in the mirror and opened the door.

Viridian's breath hitched when he saw his mate open the door like that.

Lyris didn't know what to say, and that was clear as day with the way he opened and closed his mouth like a fish but it seemed like Viridian knew just what to say.

"Hey, I know I'm early, I just wanted to see you."

Viridian held out his hands and only then Lyris noticed he was holding out a neatly packed tray of brownies.

Lyris raised a brow, slightly impressed, and gently opened the door wider, silently permitting Viridian to enter as he took the tray.

Viridian knew he'd have to be cautious about overwhelming himself being around his mate's scent, but he didn't know he'd be this overwhelmed, surround by Lyris' scent.

Lyris was clueless.

"Since you're here early, should we proceed?" Lyris asked, setting down the brownies aside on the kitchen counter.

Viridian nodded breathlessly, desperate to get out of the cabin.

He wanted to spend time with Lyris and somehow mend their broken bond. Things were different now, they weren't together, they weren't even friends.

They were just two individuals who knew each other. That's the miserable state they're bond has stooped to.

"Let's go."

Viridian flashed Lyris a small smile, making the werewolf smile back.

They were just two individuals, but individuals who were determined to work things through.


Sneak-peek of chapter 34!

"We've been here before?" Lyris looked up at his mate.

"Yeah--nineteen years ago."

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