37. Bonding

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Things did not go back to how it was between Viridian and Lyris, instead it just reached a whole new weird level.

They were back at Lyris' current cabin, just chilling and watching documentaries. Although they liked to pretend that everything was alright and they had nothing to discuss, their awkwardness could be cut with a knife.

Lyris couldn't stop himself from taking quick glances at his mate once in a while and Viridian was almost done pretending not to notice his mate watching him.

"Okay, I just have to say this," Lyris spoke up from his seat on the couch.

Viridian looked at him with a raised brow. "What?"

"Why is this so awkward? Why are we awkward?"

Viridian's face twisted into a slight frown, but Lyris wasn't finished yet.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us. Let's do something together."

Viridian smirked. "Woah, Lyris, hold your horses I know you're a teenage boy and you have your physical needs but I-"

A pillow was aimed at his face.

A red looking Lyris was glaring at him. "You idiot, I wasn't talking about sex!"

"Oh really? But if you want it, let me know. I'm your mate after all."

Viridian winked at his mate.

The werewolf sat up with a huff. "You're literally the worst."

Viridian laughed. "Okay, okay, I get it we can do something together."

Lyris sat back down, rolling his eyes. "What do you have in mind?"

Viridian pondered about it for a while before speaking. "How about we just go out and figure it out on the way? That way we'll at least be spending time together while doing something."

Both of them agreed on that and left the cabin, feeling somewhat hopeful and confident that they would mend their broken bond. Truly, it was something that both of them could not understand, that how when they fight or are not speaking to each other, they're literal enemies, and don't want to face each other, but when they're together and co-exist peacefully, they can be closer than ever.

They never understood the dynamics of their relationship, and trying to understand would prove to be an ever more difficult task.

But it was clear that for now, all they wanted to was spend time together.

"We could watch a movie?" Viridian suggested. "We could go to the theater."

Lyris shook his head. "No, we could do that back at the cabin too. Think of something we cannot do at the cabin, like going to an ice rink."

Viridian looked at him funnily. "It's summer."

"I know, it was just an example." Lyris shot back haughtily.

"We could go to fun-city." Viridian spoke airily. "Play some games."

He didn't care what they did as long as they were together. That was Viridian, simple and thoughtful. But he's still full of secrets that Lyris couldn't wait to unravel.

"Yeah, that actually sounds like a good idea." Lyris nodded. "Then we could grab lunch somewhere."

They were quiet for the rest of the drive, mainly because they had a lot of things to ask and tell each other. They were mates after all.

Lyris couldn't help but think what kind of a person Viridian was before they met. After Viridian's small outburst, things became lighter between them, but it didn't dissolve. That seemed to be a given, considering everything that happened.

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