45. Where does it lead?

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Lyris was holed up in his office and Viridian was running errands and patrolling around the pack.

"What is this?" Lyris murmured to himself looking closely at a report.

There was a picture of the hut that Viridian and Lyris visited a two weeks ago, before the battle. He found that the picture was attached to the report that he was reading.

The werewolf group that he sent he sent out to scout the land around the hut sent back a report which said that they found traces of a weird potion on the stairs of the hut which was currently being tested in the pack's laboratory.

"A witch potion? Weird," Lyris murmured, skimming through the report.

"Get up we're going out," Kole waltzed in throwing chewing a pack of chips, making Lyris groan.

"I'm literally busy," Lyris gestured to his table that was filled with paperwork.

"Kole you moron, you're dropping crumbs everywhere." Jashin walked in, looking annoyed. "And Lyris, Malek's looking for you."

"Lyris what is th-" Makek stopped in his tracks with his own pack of chips after he noticed his cousin wasn't alone. "Hey guys."

Lyris looked at everybody in his room, interrupting his pack work. He shook his head when Malek and Kole exchanged their packets of chips wordlessly.

"Seriously, I'm busy." Lyris stated.

The pack seemed to be holding well, given their circumstances with the battle but people seemed fine with the happenings. If not fine, they weren't too worried. Some people who took part in the battle were injured but none of the injuries were serious. Some even walked off with a fractured arm and a busted lip.

"We came over to let you know we have a court hearing in two hours." Kole stated, still chewing his chips.

Lyris frowned. "A court hearing? I thought we'd have a council meeting."

Jashin nodded. "Yes we thought so too, but the other party seems to have filed a case against us."

Jashin looked calm and composed as he delivered this news to his friend. In fact, nobody seemed to be worried about the court hearing even though there could be serious consequences.

"You mean those witches who work with dark magic and hunters?" Lyris questioned, twirling his pen mindlessly.

Malek sighed. "Yes, and also werewolves and vampires because they disapprove of hierarchy or some bullshit. Basically they don't approve of your royal status."

"Just because they don't approve of it doesn't mean I throw it away, what the hell," Lyris muttered. "Does Viridian know?"

"Yes, he knows." Malek nodded.

"And?" Lyris raised a brow.

"He rolled his eyes and walked away."

Lyris smiled to himself, hoping that someday he'd be able to adapt his mate's attitude on certain matters.

"Alright let's go."


"He's here," Malek announced, walking to their jeep with Lyris.

Viridian was already in the driver's seat. He greeted his mate with a kiss to the lips, making Lyris duck his head shyly. This only made Viridian tilt his chin up and kiss him again.

"Get a room," Malek rolled his eyes.

Akaashi, who was standing outside the jeep chuckled.

"Don't be jealous of them, I'm right here." He teased.

Malek made a disgusted face at that and shoved his mate lightly, but didn't move an inch when his mate climbed in and placed a hand on his thigh.

"We're telling the truth in the court right?" Malek asked, leaning into his mate.

Viridian hummed. "Yes. We don't leave out a single detail."

"Good thing we don't have to plan much since we're being honest." Akaashi stated.

"Yup." Lyris nodded as he watched his mate drive. "And we have proper evidence too they can't do shit. I mean what would they even file a case on? Us defending ourselves?"

Malek nodded. "Oh and what they did you Tolen too. They can't possibly have made up an excuse for that."

Viridian sighed.

"There's no excuse for what they did."

Tolen was slowly recovering with the help of well trained doctors. Although his recovery has been good, he made a point of letting people know he didn't want to see anyone until he got better.

He seemed to have taken the loss of his magic very deeply and he can't even bring himself to look at himself in the mirror.

Viridian used to leave him food and snacks, but he didn't dare go near his friend. He knew Tolen needed time to come to terms with his situation.

Akaashi turned to look at Malek who seemed to be lost in thought.

A kiss to the cheek caught him off guard.

Malek's face flushed. He liked the kiss indeed, but he was too proud and too shy to admit it to his mate, but somehow, Akaashi knew, so he did it again.

"You're the one that needs to get a room," Viridian snickered, glancing at his friends from the mirror.

"Sh-shut up," Malek poked his tongue out.

They reached the courthouse after a couple of minutes and Viridian got down from the jeep along with his mate.

Lyris and Viridian were confident they would win the case, although in the back of their minds they weren't too excited to deal with a court case in the middle of other important things.

Akaashi pulled his mate's hand after they got down.

Malek's eyebrows scrunched. "What?"

Akaashi wordlessly pulled him to an alley behind the courthouse and wrapped his arms around Malek's waist tightly.

"I wanted to have a moment alone with you." Akaashi mumbled, placing a kiss on Malek's forehead.

Malek hummed and wrapped his arms around his mate's neck, kissing his cheek. Akaashi let out a breath and nuzzled his mate's neck, running his nose along Malek's collarbone, making the latter shiver.

Malek shivered visibly, pressing himself into his mate, pulling at the hair at the nape of Akaashi's neck.

He let out a whimper when Akaashi's teeth grazed a specific spot on his neck and Akaashi pulled away with a low growl.

"Why'd you stop?" Malek's question came out as a whine.

Akaashi breath through his nose, untangling his mate away from him.

"If we go on it'd be hard to control myself from doing things to you and I know you're not ready for that."

Akaashi places a lingering kiss on Malek's forehead before pulling away.

Malek smiled up and his mate and kissed his cheek.


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