Layman Terms for this book

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This chapter will be updated as we delve into more chapters.

1. Werewolf

A supernatural being with specific strengths that obtains mostly human ways of communication, but can phase into a wolf.

2. Vampire

Blood sucking supernatural creature with specific strengths.

3. Mate

Soulmate; loved one.

4. Witch

Supernatural creature with magical powers that are obtained via practice.

5. Banshee

Supernatural creature that screams loudly causing physical damage.

6. Siren

Sea creatures who lured people with their singing and music.

7. Werewolf clan

The werewolf clan consists of all the werewolves around the world.

8. Vampire clan

The vampire clan consists of all the vampires around the world.

9. Phase

To shift.


1. Vampires can compel other supernaturals if they're not wearing a spell protected bracelet.

2. Mate bonds are visible for Alpha mates when the mates are within two feet near each other.

3. Witches are allergic to a plant species called Campion.

3. All supernatural species have mates.

4. All witches have the ability to heal others.

5. Vampires have lucid dreams.

6. Every group of supernatural species has an Alpha, it's not just confined to werewolves.

7. Supernatural species can choose to live in any pack, nest, or coven of their choice. Eg; A witch can choose to live in a pack of werewolves.

8. Vampires are not dead, since this story takes place in the twenty third century.

9. Supernatural species can eat human food, and can be allergic as well.

10. Werewolves have very sensitive ears.

11. Mates can faintly feel what each other are feeling.

12. Twin supernatural species have mates of their own.

13. This story doesn't involve mind links. The werewolves use a whistle with a particular frequency to alert others.

14. This story doesn't involve any inner wolf stuff.

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