✿Chapter 16: The Message✿

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

As we walked with the wolf, Lloyd decided to speak about his dad and the past adventures he had before I appeared. It's not that bad to hear about the past.

Lloyd: "So, yeah, that's my dad. Garmadon. Lord of Destruction, King of Shadows. I wouldn't normally confide this stuff to someone we just met. But I can tell you. You're just a wolf. It's kinda nice to be able to get this off my chest, actually."

(Y/n): "But we can't just call it wolf for so long, Lloyd. We need to give it a name."

Lloyd: "Hmm. How about Rover?"

It looks like it didn't like the name because it looked away like it didn't like it.

Lloyd: "Uh, don't like that, huh?"

(Y/n): "How about Buster? Buddy? Or Vix? Actually, scratch that. I don't think these names fit."

Lloyd: "What about 'Red?' You get it? 'Cause, you know, this."

Lloyd was talking about the red marks on the cheeks of the wolf. Red it was. Red loved the name as it barks.

Lloyd: We're making progress, Red."

We heard the sound of the tracker go off as Lloyd took it out from his pocket.

Lloyd: "The Mech's signal is getting stronger. This way."

(Y/n): "Hold up!"

Lloyd and Red got a running start as I was right behind them, trying to catch up to them. We walked through a path where it looked like the last one but as we continued to walk, the signal started to get stronger. Red suddenly stops as we both also stop and looked at Red with confusion.

Lloyd: "What's the matter?"

Red started to back away as both just stood there with confusion.

Lloyd: "Look, we have to go this way. Are you coming or not?"

Red sat down as it refused to go with us.

(Y/n): "Come on, please."

Red stood up and decided to come with us. Funny how it worked with me and not with Lloyd. We continued to walk through the path until I heard a crunch behind me. I looked at Red and saw that they stepped on a piece of bones.

(Y/n): "Uhh... Lloyd?"

Lloyd: "What is it?"

(Y/n): "There's bones around us..."

Lloyd: "Bones? What happened here?"

A shadow passed us and I knew it was something from above us. We looked behind us and saw a big bird was about to strike us until we ducked down. The bird missed us and went back to get us again.


We run behind a rock as the bird tries to strike again. The bird hits the rock behind Red as it breaks and makes small parts of it fall. Lloyd used his powers to hit the rocks to protect Red from being crushed. We continued to run away as the bird continued to strike us from behind. The bird stomps on the ground, making Lloyd fall to the ground, dodging every move from the bird. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the bird would strike again and it grabbed him and flew away with him.

Lloyd: "Get off me!"


I started to use my powers and hit the bird's face as it dropped Lloyd. Red acted quickly and went to catch Lloyd. Red caught Lloyd in time as the bird started to focus on me. I quickly ran with Red and Lloyd into a cave. The bird tries to swoop me up to the sky but fails when I get into the cave. The bird screeches at us as we get pulled away from the entrance. It flew away but it stayed in the area as we knew it was going to wait for us to come out.

(Y/n): "You okay?"

Lloyd: "Yeah... I'm fine- Oh, no."

He picked up the tracker from the ground and we saw that it was now broken. Red barks as it sees something in the distance.

Lloyd: "What's there, Red?"

A giant figure could be seen right in front of us as Red growled.

Lloyd: "Who are you? Show yourself."

No response. We walked towards the thing in front of us as Lloyd used his powers to bring light. Instead of being someone, it's something. The mech. Red growls at it as Lloyd laugh.

Lloyd: "It's okay. This is what we've been looking for. This is it."

Lloyd climbed up the Mech to check if Zane was there but unfortunately he wasn't. Nor was he around the cave. We found something on the stone as we both walked towards it. Lloyd puts the two wires on the battery as the device starts to work. It was a message from Zane.

Zane: "Greetings, friend. If you've found this recording, then I am no longer here. My name is Zane. I am a stranger in this land, trying to find my way home. *Sighs* It is difficult to keep track of the days in this place. It feels like I've been here a long time. But I refuse to give up hope-"

Static was heard from the recording as Lloyd picked up the battery and shook it up, making the recording come back again.

Zane: "The Mech's processing unit is damaged. I may be able to fix it, but it requires running a diagnostic. I will attempt to connect myself to the Mech's processor. As long as the cable is not disconnected, I should be okay."

Lloyd: "Come on..."

Lloyd hits the battery as it did the same thing with static.

Zane: "But if anything goes wrong... If this should be found one day, please relay this message. This is the last recording of Zane, Master of Ice, son of Dr Julien, student of Master Wu. I was built to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and I have tried to fulfil this purpose. I have no regrets. I had the best friends anyone could ask for. Pixal... I love you. Farewell."

The message ends, leaving me with small tears in my eyes. I wiped them away as Lloyd and I looked at the mech.

Lloyd: "We may not be half the builder you are, Zane, but I'm twice as stubborn. And we will get this thing working, if it's the last thing we do. That's a promise. Right? You with me?"

Red looks at Lloyd as I smile at him.

(Y/n): "F*ck yeah... I'm in. And I think Red's in too."

•|Time skip|•

Took us a while but we finally got it working. Red and I stood back as Lloyd took care of the giant bird. After he took care of the bird, he walked over to us.

Lloyd: "It's safe. You guys can come out. Come on. Hop aboard."

Lloyd put the Mech's arm down so we can climb on it. I got on it as Red looked scared of the mech. I just started laughing.

(Y/n): "Don't worry. It doesn't bite. See? I'm fine. Now hop on, Red."

Red got on with me as Lloyd held us up and continued to walk towards the Ice Emperor's castle.

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