•|Chapter 38: The Worst Rescue Ever|•

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

I opened my eyes as I stretched my body out. I was a bit tired since what happened last night. Cole told us about the creature in his room but he didn't have any proof to believe him. As I got ready for the day, I felt someone grab me by my waist as they kissed me on the cheek.

Lloyd: "Good morning, (N/n)."

(Y/n): "Morning, Greenie. Had a better rest than me?"

Lloyd: "Yep. It was nice especially when you were with me."

My cheeks turned a bit pink as I got flustered by his words. I giggled as I pushed him away from me.

(Y/n): "We have to join the others before the question about what we were doing."

Lloyd got ready as I put on my sweater and went outside to find the others. Once we found them, we noticed that Cole wasn't here but we decided to start without him as we went to the gardens.

Master Wu: "This truly is a city of wonders. Look at these gardens. Have you ever seen anything so magnificent?"

Lloyd: "It sure is pretty. But not as pretty as someone I know."

He looks at me as my cheeks turned pink again once he said that. Sure the garden is pretty but I believe that I've seen something more amazing in my life than this.

(Y/n): "Oh! I remember this garden. This is the garden that Vania and I used to play around. So many fun times."

Jay: "Where's Cole? He's missing all of this."

Vania: "Master Wu! Master Wu!"

Vania popped out of the bushes as she was covered in dirt. Her clothes were a bit ripped as she ran up to us.

Master Wu: "Princess?"

Vania: "Oh, thank the mountain!"

Nya: "What happened?"

(Y/n): "Girl, you look like you just went on an amazing adventure without me. You could've told me so I can bring my explorer clothes."

Vania: "Sorry but, I went into the dungeons with Cole and we found something terrible!"

Master Wu: "Dungeons?"

Vania: "There's an underground mine full of these little creatures, and they're all chained up and they're being forced to dig by these evil skeletons with whips, and Cole stayed to rescue them and he told me to come back and get help."

Lloyd: "What?"

Vania: "We have to tell my father to send his guards. Come on!"

We started to go back to the city as we went to inform the King. Once we arrived at his throne room, Vania told him everything about what happened to Cole. The king wasn't happy about her going to the dungeons.

Vangelis: "I'm very disappointed, Vania. It is forbidden to enter the mountain! The rule of law is there for a reason. It is unsafe below. Not only did you endanger yourself, but you have also endangered our guests."

♡Staying by your side♡Lloyd x F! Reader♡(Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now