✧Chapter 47: The Gift of Jay✧

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❁(Y/n)'s POV❁

Once the Chieftain said that about us being their prisoners forever, I didn't like it at all. None of us did. We were surrounded by the keepers as they pointed their spears towards us.

Chieftain: "Lock them up. All but one. The gift."

Keepers: "Which one?"

The keepers looked at us until they looked at me. One of the keepers walked up to me as I looked back at them with a confused look.

Keeper: "She could be the gift."

(Y/n): "I ain't gonna be the gift of anything. I don't want to be sacrificed to something or be like... I don't know, something great or worse. I've experienced too much death before so I declined your offer."

Cole: "Uhhh, I don't think it was an offer."

(Y/n): "I know, Cole. I know it isn't."

The keeper points their spear at me until Jay walks in front of me.

Jay: "Guys, is all this necessary? All the pushing and the poking and the zapping... Why don't we start over? My name's Jay. Nice to meet you."

Jay takes his hand out for the Chieftain to shake but he didn't.

Chieftain: "This one."

The keepers took him away as Nya was getting worried about this.

Nya: "No! Wait! Where are you taking him?"

Kai: "Jay!"

The keepers pushed us away as they took away Jay. They brought us to a giant cell as they pushed us inside and locked up with their spear.

Kai: "You're making a big mistake!"

Cole: "Let us out of here!"

Cole uses his powers to try and pull up the cell as we helped him to open it up but then, the keepers just put their spear on the cell, making us get electrocuted.

Cole: "Remind me not to try that again."

Misako: "Nya? Kai?"

We looked up to see Misako and Master Wu walking towards us.

Nya: "Misako!"

Misako: "Are you all okay?"

Nya: "Yeah, we're okay."

Cole: "How about you guys?"

Master Wu: "Yes, we're fine."

Misako: "They've treated us pretty well, all in all."

Clutch: "I've been in quicksand that was more comfortable."

(Y/n): "Damn. I forgot all about you in just a second."

Clutch: "Dwayne! How's that tunnel coming along?"

Dwayne: "My hands hurt."

Nya: "Why are they doing this? What do they want?"

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