✯Chapter 44: Son of Lily✯

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Grief-Bringer had escaped from its cage as it joined the battle between the Skull Sorcerer and Cole. Just in time, Cole took his shield out to protect himself from Grief-Bringer. He almost fell off the bridge as he was holding on to the edge.

Skull Sorcerer: "Destroy the others. I will take care of this one personally."

The dragon started to head for the rest as Murtessa heard the roar of Grief-Bringer.

Murtessa: "Stand your ground! In the name of Milly!"

Lloyd saw that Grief-Bringer was about to use their powers towards them.

Lloyd: "Take cover!"

They all moved to the side as Grief-Bringer missed them. Kai started charging towards the dragon with his Spinjitzu until he got pushed away from it. A pickaxe was thrown at the dragon as it looks at Zane.

Zane: "Hey! You!"

Zane started to throw more pickaxe at the dragon as it started to head for him. Zane got on a Mino and picked up Kai on the way to safety.

Skull Sorcerer: "You're a fool to place your faith in the blades! They have no magic in them."

Cole: "You're lying! You're trying to trick me!"

The Skull Sorcerer was about to make Cole fall into the lave until Cole took out his shuriken towards his weapon. Cole quickly got back up as he kicked the Skull Sorcerer and went to get his blades.

Skull Sorcerer: "It is the truth, and your demise!"

The others below are having a hard time as they were defeating the skeleton as they just keep rebuilding themselves over and over.

Skull Sorcerer: "Your mother lied to the Geckels and the Munce! She told them the blades were magical..."

Cole was trying so hard to block both attacks from the Skull Sorcerer and his skull.

Skull Sorcerer: "Because she wanted to instill in them some courage. Some hope."

Skull: "False hope."

Skull Sorcerer: "So she deceived them! And now her deceit has doomed you."

Skull: "Her only son!"

The Skull Sorcerer threw his skull at Cole as he tried to block it with the blades but it didn't work as the blades just shattered into many pieces. Cole looks down as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Cole: "No. It can't be."

Skull Sorcerer: "It is. And now, you will pay the price for your mother's lies."

Skull: "Lies, deceit!"

The Skull Sorcerer was about to attack when they heard a sound from the entrance. Chompy and all the guards from Shintaro had arrived with Master Wu and Vania. They started to help the ninja with the skeleton.

Skull Sorcerer: "Too late. She cannot save you."

The skull starts to use its powers towards Cole as the others start to run from Grief-Bringer until Master Wu and Chompy attack it. The skull's powers were making Cole weak the more it used.

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