•Chapter 63: The Wrath of Kalmaar•

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

The sound of someone running in heels was heard as they hid behind the pole. Tired out as they just took deep breaths.

(Y/n): "I should've brought another pair of shoes. Not heels. They are a bit too loud..."

Pixal: *Buzz* "(Y/n)? (Y/n), come in!"

(Y/n): "I'm still here. What is it?"

Pixal: "Where are the others?"

(Y/n): "Zapped from behind and then got taken away. I got shot too but I managed to escape from their grasp."

Lloyd: "Who's?"

(Y/n): "The f*ck am I suppose to know their name? I could say one just command the other but you wouldn't understand. Now that Nya and her mother are taken away, that ugly b*tch told his soldiers to find me. So you can say I'm now being hunted."

Zane: "You need to get out of there."

(Y/n): "And leave Nya and Maya behind? F*ck no. I'm going back for them. See ya."

Lloyd: "Don't you dare do something stupid! I know you well!"

(Y/n): "Not much. You know I don't wear makeup but I can kick *ss so I'll be fine. Love you."

She turned off her communicator as she continued into the temple. Meanwhile with Nya and Maya, Nya was waking up as she saw that she was in chains around a pole with her mother. Nya looks around as she sees that (Y/n) wasn't there with them.

Nya: *Gasps* "Huh? Mom, are you okay?"

Maya wakes up as she rubs her head.

Maya: "What happened? Where are we?"

Nya: "The Temple of Wojira."

Maya: "Wojira? Wojira's a myth about a giant sea-serpent."

Nya: "It's not a myth. On one of our adventures, we found proof. We found an ancient amulet on an island. The Storm Amulet. It belonged to Wojira. It was being protected by the Keepers of the-"

Kalmaar: "Go on... Pray tell... About these keepers. About the Storm Amulet. I am Prince Kalmaar, son of Trimaar, heir to the throne of Merlopia, rightful ruler of the Endless Sea, and I assure you, not someone to be trifled with."

Maya: "Well, it's nice to meet you."

Nya: "Don't be nice to him, mom! He's the one who blasted us in the back."

Maya: "I'm sure that was just a tiny misunderstanding. We are trespassing in his temple."

Nya: "Mom! He's evil!"

Maya: "Nya! He can hear you."

Kalmaar: "Silence! Both of you. Tell me the location of this island and I will spare your lives!"

Nya: "What island?"

Kalmaar: "The island of the Keepers!"

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