Giant Kohaku

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Being 30 feet tall gives her quite the advantage over any one she may face.

However, because of how much bigger she is of her darling she treats them as if they were made of glass.

She is also very protective of her darling because of how small they are.

Kohaku lives in a forest with trees that reach about 380 feet. However, falling from a great height while also dealing with someone that towers over them isn't the only thing they have to worry about.

There are many large creatures that live in the forest as well.

This means that even if they get away from one giant, they have others to deal with as will.

Kohaku is still an excellent fighter and hunter that with being faster and stronger makes it impossible to get away from her.

She does live in the trees although there are nets everywhere just in case her darling falls. (So now they will have to deal with being in a huge tree even if the house isn't at the very top it will still be high above the ground.)

More or less if it's not the overprotective giant it's anything else that will get her darling so maybe it would be best if they stayed in the tree house. 

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