Sweet dreams

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Sleep demon

Worick Arcangelo


A time for the body and mind to rest

A time for us to dream

Either falling into our deepest desires

Or our own hell

However, for you it seems the past few nights have been very....


It appears a tall, strong man has been haunting your dreams

Leaving you eager for night to fall once more

It wasn't always fun and game however

As time went on things become more


It was although you had a night time lover

In dreams that barely ever lift your mind were

Sweet words

Heavenly touches



What made it all the better was the fact that it felt like the dreams grow longer and less hazy

It all started to feel so real

Particularly when the night couldn't contain him any longer

You swear you'll started to see him in the corner of your eye but when you look, he's gone

Phantom touches started to become more and more real

It was somewhat comforting but at the same time was...


A Presence that was there but wasn't

Wanted yet shouldn't be

There was those one night

It was like any other one that was more...

Tame to say the least

You both were in the living room

Swaying slowly to slow music that was playing somewhere in the distance

It was that moment that he said the one thing that would change everything

Be mine~


It wasn't a question

Be mine and I will forever make your dreams come true my love

My life

My darling~

Looking into those hypnotizing eye of his always made you forget about the world outside of this one


Was all that came out

Now with the true reflecting from window behind would tell everything

Now if only you were facing would you see the horned, devil tail creature that was in front of you

Only hiding behind a thin veil

Of beauty and dreams

The thin line between

Pleasurable desires


Excruciating hell

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