Yandere says: come with me to paradise (Demon Satori Tendo)

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It had started as a voice somewhere off into the distance too far to make out the words but close enough to know that someone was talking. Then it turned into a low whisper only you still couldn't understand the words. The whisper grew into wordless talking. That's when you went to look for someone who could help.

However, no matter what anyone said or did, the voice remained.

Until one day a box appeared on your doorstep with a note saying that it would help. The note had said that if you win a game with the video then it would leave you but if you lose then you would see what the voice belonged to. So, you Followed the instructions: draw a symbol on the floor, set up candles, say a few words and then wait until the time was right.... the game was set.

Walking through your home with only a candle trying to avoid the voice for hours was scarier than any haunted house could do but you were determined to make whatever it was leave you alone. But as many things it wasn't that simple because just as it was time for the game to end, all the clocks stopped and they started going backward until it was back to the starting time.

The voice appeared once more but this time you could see a shadow along with it. It was at that moment that you could finally hear what it had been saying all along. The only problem was what would you decide.  


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