Mershark Professor Kukui

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Being 60 feet has its advantages and disadvantages, Kukui knows this will.

His large body is mostly white and gray with hints of green here and there. With sharp teeth and claws he can easily cut through ships or just rip them apart with his impressive strength.

Yes, he can basically crush any ships that came too close to his islands (where he keeps his darling.) as well as keep other predators away.

But one of the down sides is that he can't cuddle his darling. He kind of can but it's not how he would like it to be. (Plus, he can crush them if he isn't too careful.)

The group of small islands, where he keeps his darling, are near impossible to find even if you were looking for them in the middle of the ocean. they have no living beings on it except for plants including ones with fruit.

Being that it's so far away from land with people and where most ships are, the only way his darling has a chance of going anywhere is if he himself took them there.

This being said he isn't worried about his darling building a boat and trying to leave. A, because he can easily catch up to them and B, because they won't make it. (Although he won't mind them making a boat, he would much rather carry them around.)

He will bring ships to the island (after he makes sure they can't sail and there aren't people on them.) so his darling has something new to explore or simply for just the items on the ship. (There is a large graveyard of different types of ships on one of the islands which range from old wooden one to newer electronic ones.)

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