Naga Mikan Tsumiki

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She can be very cuddly with her darling but is very careful not to crush/ squeeze them too hard.

Since where she lives isn't always the best for humans, she keeps an eye on her darling at all times.

She knows that a giant snake person can be scary/ surprising so she is very careful when she first shows herself so as to not scare them too much.

She often gives them fruits or flowers as gifts.

She does enjoy wrapping her tail around her darling as a way to keep them close.

She does have two types of venom, one that paralyzes while the other one kills. She isn't afraid to use either.

The one that paralyzes only works for a few days, less than a week.

She really only uses the deadly one for defending or if someone is getting too close to home.

She does make medicines and always keeps them stocked in case something happens.

She does try to make sure her darling is comfortable in their new home given that they will be staying there for the rest of their lives.

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