Who are you?

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I stood still, the snow falling on my head. I heard a light movement towards my left, then one ahead of me. He was going clockwise. My senses went off, and I ducked under what I only could assume was a punch. My senses continued to tell me exactly where the attacks were, after avoiding a kick and another punch, I jumped up, kicking him across the face. I heard him stumble back, I used this opening to hit Theodore in the chest, then uppercutting him. I then moved back, knowing if I went in for another hit, he would have an opening of his own. I heard movements towards my right now, then the sound of a tree breaking, I jumped over a small tree. My senses went off, I caught a punch that would've hit my face, then swinging him around, throwing him over my shoulder and onto the ground. My senses went off once more, I moved my head slightly to the left as a truck arrow whizzed by me. Artemis. I webbed Theodore to the ground, then dodged yet another arrow. The arrows were coming from behind me. Turning around, I caught the arrow that was dead in front of me. "Now that was something Batman would do." I muttered to myself, before running over to where I assumed Artemis was, I ducked under two more arrows. While Artemis is a skilled fighter, she doesn't have spider senses she also heavily relies on her bow and trick arrows. I dipped to the right, avoiding another arrow as I reached Artemis, grabbing her bow, I swung it back at her, then proceeding to snap it over my knee. "I'll pay for a new one." I told her before webbing her down as well.

I knew Wildcat wouldn't be down for much longer, I only had to last about three more minutes. My spider senses went off as I stepped aside, allowing a pile of snow to hit the ground. I knew that Jinx's whole thing is making you have terrible luck, but hey, I'm already so unlucky it's kind of a double negative. A heard the sound of what could only be described as a chainsaw, but I knew it wasn't, I used my webs to pull myself onto a tree, but as soon as I did, the tree began to fall in another fast noise. Landing, I slipped by another tree falling. I started to make web lines between trees, limiting the space Wallace had to move. While the webs are fragile, they would slow down Wallace for enough time to- "Gotcha." I said as a web snapped in a blur of yellow and red, I grabbed Wallace just in time, attaching a web-bomb onto him and throwing him over at where I assumed Jinx was. And luckily, I was right. That left only Cass and Rose, probably the last two people I wanted to fight. Not only is Cass one of, if not the best martial artist in the world, but I was still missing her, as for Rose, me and her had a one-night thing. My senses went off, I blocked a katana with my wrist guard. I had to assume that was Rose, so where is Cass? I evaded two more swings from Rose. "Didn't we do this a few four months ago?" Now that I'm saying this, it has been a long time since I've been here. Bruce did say it was long. "And that ended in some fun, let's see how this one will go!" Rose quipped back, I blocked another blow from her katana before snapping it. "Catch!" I said, throwing a web bomb at Rose. "No, not again!" She shouted before becoming trapped in a bundle of webs. God, I'm so cool. Why am I talking to myself in my head? Probably the years of trauma or something like that. Anyways, where's Cass? My senses don't recognize her as a threat, I've known her and loved her, so I have to rely purely on everything I've learned to beat her. I heard some snowfall from a tree, I rolled over before kicking back up and dodging four kicks and punches from Cass, she grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me back down. I didn't bother with any quips and got straight back up, catching a punch from Cass and sweeping her legs. She kicked my left knee while she was falling, and I stumbled back a bit before ducking and jumping over two of Cass's attacks. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me, then pushing her onto the snowy white ground, webbing her to it. That's everyone. That's everyone! "Yeah!" I shouted, falling over in the snow. Breathing heavily. I felt the snow fall on my face. After four months I was done with Wildcats training. "Hey, enough celebrating Y/N, help us out of these damn webs!" Rose shouted, I jumped back up onto my feet. "On it!"


I sat next to Wallace and Rose, eating Denny's. "Why Denny's," Artemis asked, eating some Bacon. "Why not Denny's?" Wallace responded with. "Fair point." Artemis said, Theodore, walked out of his room with a box. "What's in there?" Wallace said all the while stuffing his mouth full of pancakes. "Y/N, come with me." He said before leaving the cabin. They all looked at the door, then at me. "Uh, save some food for me!" I shouted before dashing out of the cabin. Putting in my snow cap and boots, I saw Theodore waiting on the porch. "What's going on? Mission? Is Starro attacking? Oh, wait, is this my chance to join the Justice League?" I joked, and he stared off into the distance. I looked at where he was looking, a mountain. Wait. "Teddy, please say we're gonna climb that?" I asked him, he looked at me. "Son of a bitch... Why couldn't I have been bitten by a radioactive bird. Or pecked I guess." I said, following Teddy into the snow. "You know what, this is just a mountain, no big deal," I said, facing whatever bullshit Teddy had prepared with a face of pride.

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