Dark Day

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Bruce was just disappointed, he knew this was my first real fight so he let it slide. This time. At the time Me, Tim, Cass, and Jason were watching UP because Cass hasn't ever somehow "I'm just saying, UP would be ten time's sadder if he never made it to where he was going." Jason said, Cass and Tim were sitting next to me "But that's not the point of the movie to be sad." Tim commented on Jason, I got a text from my Dad 'Hey we need to talk, it's about your Mom.' I looked at the text as Cass yawned "I gotta go guys." I said, I put my hoodie on. Cass got up "Bye." She said in her monotone voice, walking out of the room. "Bye Y/N." Both Jason and Tim said "See ya." I said running out of the house, putting the last of my homemade suit, I thought it looked better.

I got another text from my dad 'I'm at the gas station the one near our apartment, if you can meet me there, please do." I started  to run on a building 'Yeah sure I'll be there soon.' I jumped to another building feeling the wind on my arms, since they were the only part of me that wasn't covered entirely. As I was running up a building I saw a girl being cornered by a older man, I jumped down to the alley "You really aren't a good criminal." I said, the man turned around "Aw shit." He said before getting kicked in the nuts, then I knocked him out "Welp that's that." I jumped back onto the building. I took a bit of a breather on the roof, however something felt wrong... As I could see the gas station I heard a gunshot go off and people screaming.

"Oh god..." I muttered, I took off my hoodie and mask to make sure Dad was okay without having to reveal my identity. I pushed through the crowd of people to make sure my Dad was okay, I heard a ambulance blaring. Then I saw my father, he was bleeding out of his chest. "No no no!" I checked if he still had a pulse, he did but it was faint "Y/N..." He said to me as his pulse got fainter "No! Stay with me! Please!" I shouted, the ambulance finally arrived "I'm so proud of you..." That was it, his last words, I just held onto him "No..." I said to myself. The paramedics arrived and did what they always do. But it felt so much slower, my voice felt frozen.

After the paramedics left I didn't want to go home. I could feel my insides twisting, I didn't want to go to the hospital either just to get told he's dead again. I decided to see if I could stay at the manor, I called Tim "Y/N? Weren't you going home?" He asked me, I could barely speak "Y/N? Are you in trouble? Should I tell Cass to get you, she's out on patrol right now!" Tim sounded like he was panicking, I looked at the dark city "I'm fine, my Dad was..." I couldn't finish the sentence, tears started to stream down my face "Oh, oh god. I'll tell Cass to get you, I'll send her your location." Tim said before I hung up.

I sat on a bench, I didn't know what to do. My father has died, my Mom's still not caring for me, and I've just gotten powers and have failed to save the person closest to me. Cass arrived on a motorcycle, I walked over to it and jumped on, putting my mask on so nobody would see my face however, tears were staining the red mask. The ride was silent except for the sounds of the city. When we got to manor she gave me a gentle hug "Thank you." I said to her, I hugged her as well. Tim walked in "I'm so sorry." He told me, Cass let go of me as Tim started to speak " There's a spare room, I'll lead you to it." He started to walk away as I followed him, Cass followed closely behind us "Are you ok?" She asked me, I know she's been working on her english for awhile now "No." I responded to her question, she held onto my hand "Will you be ok?" She asked me "Eventually." I responded to her.

We arrived at the room "I've told Bruce, he said you can stay here for as long as you need." Tim opened the door, it was big enough for me to stay for awhile. "Thank you." I said to Tim, I let go of Cassandra's hand "I'll see you in the morning." I said to both Tim and Cass "Goodnight Y/N." Tim said, putting his hand on my shoulder then walking away. Cass gave me another hug then walked away.

I entered the room, it smelled like a clothing store. I sat on the bed knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. I knew one thing I needed to do and that was to find my fathers killer. I laid down on the bed thinking, I remembered what my Dad said all the time; 'With great power comes great responsibility' It was a goofy phrase but it felt soothing. I was able to get about a hour or two of sleep that night.

10:00 AM. I was woken up from somebody knocking at the door. "Come in." I said, rubbing my eyes. Tim entered the room, he was holding a gift box "Hey, are you doing good?" He leaned on one of the walls "Is Bruce here?" I asked Tim, he sighed. "No, he's off world with the rest of the Justice League." He told me, he put the gift box on the nightstand. "I made this for you last night. Bruce said you can take the day off from training." He walked to the door "Me and the rest of the Batfamily are going on patrol since Bruce is gone." He opened the door again "Cass said she'd try and be here earlier to comfort you." He said exiting the room.

I looked at the gift box and grabbed it. I opened it hoping not to break anything. "Holy..."


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