The hill.

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It's been three hours since the call, we've landed in Alaska out of all places. Wonder if I could find Rudy Pankow here. Cass had the mission and way to find him. Alaska was mostly snow and trees. If I could just settle down somewhere, it would be here. It was quiet compared to a place like Gotham or Metropolis. The light from the sun reflecting off the snow was calming. And traveling with Cass throughout the snow and forest. "Hey Cass, if we were to settle down somewhere quiet when we're older, do you think Alaska is a good place?" I asked Cass. "If we settle down." She said as we continued to walk. Well, that was a nice interaction.

I was also cold as fuck. I was only wearing a winter coat, boots, and snow pants. As well as the makeshift mask that only went down to the bridge of my nose. I probably should've brought the box Jason gave me since it had a new suit in it. Cass wasn't speaking much, which was weird because we had an entire conversation about each other. Then we reached a hill. It was a steep one. It had a cabin that could fit maybe eight people in it. I was tired, but as I began to walk up the hill, Cass grabbed my shoulder. "This is the first session." She told me. I was confused yet again because it was just a hill. Right? I sighed and began to walk up. As I got up about a quarter of the hill, I was pushed down by a flash of lightning. "What the hell?!" I said confused, Cass walked up the hill undisturbed. I got up and began to run up it. This time my sense spiked as I was pushed down by another flash. I looked at where I was pushed. Both times it was at the first quarter of the hill. I also noticed footprints that weren't mine or Cass's. Speaking of which, she's at the top of the hill. Then I got an idea, a slingshot. Then I realized my web-shooters were in my bag, which was already at the top of the hill. Okay, let's think, my senses are spiking, however, this person is faster than my senses. This is a test, isn't it? A test to see how well I can do without my senses. I noticed the line created by the footprints was ahead of a tree. And I don't think this guy can fly. I began to run towards the tree. If this guy is faster than my senses, I'll just make a calculated guess.

I climbed off the tree and then began to jump past the line. However, as I did, I turned around and kicked the air. And I hit something the moment my senses went off. It was a man the same age as me. In a flash costume. However, I can't focus on that right now. I landed. But I did kinda have to be happy about that. "Yeah, bitch!" I shouted before running up the hill again. I was so happy I barely noticed the arrow fly past me. I looked up to see a female archer in a green suit pointing her bow straight at me. You've gotta be joking. I was hit by an arrow that sent me straight back. Cass was next to me. "You know you can-" I didn't listen to her and began to run back up again, dodging the first and second arrow with ease, then I was tripped by some pink magic. Allowing me to get hit again and set back to the start. Some blood covered my face and chest. I took off my winter coat and snow pants, they were making me slower. Let's get this done.


Three fucking hours! Three whole fucking hours! I've been at this for three hours! Either the speedster stops me or the magic and archery girl does! Fuck man! I laid at the bottom of the hill. Cass squatted down next to me. She handed me a twenty bill. "There's a gas station east, go get some food." She told me before walking up the hill. I sighed and stood up. I didn't even bother to grab my coat or snow pants, I just started walking. The walk to the gas station was short. For being a secret spot, having a gas station nearby was odd. As I walked to the door, I checked for the twenty, shit. I dropped it. I looked at my bloody hands, I didn't have the money. I sat on the curb of the station. And a man with a buzz cut walked out and leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette. He had some scars on his face and looked like he was a hero himself. I didn't bother staring at him after that, the blood dripping from my face distracted me. But I just decided to cry into my palms. How can I be a superhero if I can't even make it up a stupid hill? "Alright, I don't like to see kids cry, what's the problem." The man said, walking over to me. I didn't want to talk to him. "Cmon man, I'm not interested in trying to cheer up a bitch." He told me, I sighed, trying to not look like I've been crying even though he knew I just was. "I just- you ever try to do something to better yourself and you get stopped, then you feel worse about yourself? Like someone else died because you fucked up?" I asked him, he put out his cigarette. "Like you can't face yourself?" I added to what I just said. "Do you got a name kid?" He asked me. "Y/N," I said, he sighed and looked away quickly like he was thinking of someone. "You either run from things, or you face them, Y/N." He told me, pointing to me. "I learned it a while back in rehab. It's all about accepting who you are." He told me. "And I get where you're coming from, I watched my girlfriend die because of my actions. It left a boy orphaned." He said, standing by my side. "Can I ask for your name?" I asked him, looking up at him. "Mr. Driscoll. But you can call me Jesse." He said, taking another cigarette out. "Well Jesse, can I have some more advice?" I asked him, he chuckled lighting the cigar. "Well, act like a blowfish. It's what this one old guy told me, he said that you have to act strong, even if you feel weak." He told me. "And remember, there's the easy way and the right way." He told me, I nodded and stood up. "Thanks, Jesse," I told him before walking off to the hill. "Good luck kid!" Jesse shouted before I walked out of sight.

I reached the hill again. Act strong and stand my ground. It would be cold, but I took off my boots, horrible idea but my healing factor should keep me safe. The ground was cold, I took my first steps onto the hill, getting pushed back by the speedster, however, I remained standing. The speedster continued to try and push me. I grabbed him by the arms and threw him up into the mound the archer girl was hiding behind. They were both down. I ran up the hill, getting replied by the magic, I used my fingertips to swing over to the left, where my sense was telling me where the magic person was. I kicked a pink-haired girl down. I ran back up for the hill. Then I reached the top. I fell to my knees. Finally. Cass outstretched her hand to me. I grabbed it and she pulled me up. "Thanks, Cass," I told her, she smiled before pushing me down the hill. I tumbled down like Bugs Bunny. Some snow got in my hair. "Fuck you, Cass..."  I jokingly said before standing back up and walking up the hill.

(Sorry for the recent short chapters! I've been off doing stuff for my birthday and I'm preparing to go to NYC soon, so if the updates slow I'm so sorry! Bird out!)

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