The Amazing Spider-Man. Issue 3

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I was swinging through my segment of the city, still thinking of Cass. I noticed that some rain started to fall from the sky. My senses went off and I saw Adrian land in the warehouse. I swung above it, weighing my options. I decided to go in.

I jumped down onto the roof and entered through one of the windows. Most of the tech was cleared out of the room, except for the Wing suit Adrian was next to. I jumped out in front of him "Adrian, it's over." I said, he turned around, the wing suit flew up. "You just gave up your only defense." I said to him, he looked down "It's because I realized all of this, it's wrong. I'm hurting people. I'm hurting my family." His sudden change in character had me suspicious "Adrian, if you admit to your crimes and turn yourself in we could try and get you shorter sentence." I told him, he looked up at me "Y/N, those people are just using us for there own gain, the rich and powerful taking advantage over us." He said, my senses went off lightly "Those Bats are using you, they're probably running tests on your blood or something. Together we could own this city." He told me, I knew he was wrong "Taking over the city would make you just as bad if not worse than the people you want to take down!" I shouted at him, he turned around "Y/N, your a good kid, it's a shame you joined the wrong side." He said, my sense went blaring this time and I jumped over the wing suit. "Is that the best you got?" I said, getting ready for a fight "No, this is." He flew up, my senses went off as the building collapsed on me...


I walked over to the top of Wayne tower "Tim, sights on anybody?" Dick asked me through a earpiece, I surveyed the area again. "No, nobody yet." I spoke to soon because a explosion went off at a building, Deathstroke emerged. Along with a chain of explosion going off in all of our areas but Y/N's. "Bane's here!" Jason shouted from a earpiece "I got Joker!" Luke said, we all had to get ready for a big fight.

Back to Y/N

I opened my eyes, I was trapped under the building. I could barely breath, I took off my mask "Tim!" I shouted at the top of my lungs "Tim!" I shouted again to no avail "Cass!" I tried calling for Cass's name. The rain got heavier, drowning out my voice "Come on Y/N." I tried lifting the rubble, I barley moved it. "Come on!" I shouted again, I moved it a bit more but that caused more rubble to fall on me "Tim! Tim I'm down here!" I called out for Tim again. I tried to use my earpiece but it was just static noise. "Luke! Cass! Somebody help!" I continued to yell out, I looked down at my mask.

I thought about everything that's ever happened to me for a minute and then grabbed my mask "I'm Spider-Man..." I said to myself, putting my mask on "You're Spider-Man!" I shouted, putting my hands on the rubble "Come on!" I started to lift the rubble slowly. "Come on Spider-Man!" I screamed, I lifted the rubble higher and higher until I could throw it off.

I stood up and walked out of the rubble, Adrian wasn't anywhere in sight, I needed to find him before he could hurt anyone. I started to swing around the city, looking for Adrian when I saw a defeated Tim being thrown off a building by Deathstroke. "No!" I shouted, swinging over to Tim and catching him "Y/N?" He said, coughing "It's me Tim, you'll be ok." I said, swinging up to the tower where he was just thrown off and setting him down "I see Adrian didn't finish his part." Deathstroke said, I turned around to face him "You know, with all of the fancy tech in the world, you'd think you could get a new eye." I said, getting ready to fight "And the katana you gave me was a nice gift." I said, he took out his one katana "I don't need two to kick your ass." He said, walking towards me.

He tried to stab me with the katana, I jumped over him and shot at his one eye "You son of a-" he tore off the web just to get kicked in the face by me, I jumped over him and punched his back, he tried to slash me again, he cut my arm "That's gonna leave a mark." I said, sweeping his legs, as he fell to the floor he kicked my legs and got on top of me, he started to punch me in the face over and over. I caught on of his punches and kicked him off of me. He threw his katana at me, I dodged it but he then kicked me in the stomach. Tim got up and threw a Wingding at Deathstroke that hit him in the leg, I stood back up and ran at him with Tim, we both kicked him in the face, knocking him out cold.

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