The Y/N stuff.

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I walked out of school with Harry and Ned "I'm telling you guy's, I think I have a shot with Betty Brant." Ned said, Harry shook his head "Like Baddie Brant is gonna get with you Ned." Harry said, I laughed at the name Harry gave Betty. Flash past us and tried to hit me in the back of my head with a water balloon, I sept out of the way. Flash groaned "Nerds..." He said, walking away in defeat "Is that all Flash does?" Harry spoke to soon as Flash threw the water balloon at me. That's great for my first day with Otto.

We walked into the city, I was drying myself with my hoodie when a man passed us, he was wearing a leopard print jacket and black jeans, something about him felt off to me, like he was hunting something. Or someone...

"Hey Y/N, you ok with walking alone, me and Ned we're gonna go pick up some food." Harry asked as we reached a split path "Yeah that's fine. See you guys tomorrow then?" I said, putting my hoodie in my backpack "See you tomorrow Y/N." Ned waved and they turned to leave, I turned away as well.

I walked down the street and saw a mural of what looked like Spider-Man being made, I smiled and continued to walk. I looked around at the people, some were wearing Spidey masks and others were wearing Spider-Man hoodies "When'd Spidey get so popular." I asked myself, walking into alley as a shortcut.

I arrived at the Oscorp building and saw Otto waiting for me "Ah Y/N, I see you came!" Otto looked and acted like a cheery grandpa "Wouldn't miss it for the world." I kinda lied since if the world was ending I'd probably be out helping. "So Y/N, I'll show you around the lab today and get you introduced to the technology we'll be working with." Otto said, leading me to the elevator "It'll be nice to have another person helping me with this, it's getting quite stressful up there." He said, hitting the button for floor 33 "So, what time do you need to leave at?" Otto asked me, I looked at my phone, it was 2:45 "4:30." I said, still wanting time to do Spider-Man things. "That should work well since I normally leave at 6:00." Otto told me, he didn't seem like he cared much about time. The elevator rung.

We walked out of the elevator, there were two doors, Otto lead me to the one on the right. When I walked in there was about four tables all with different items and pieces of technology, one with a cybernetic arm, controller, and a iPad, one table with a coffee machine and mugs, one with many papers on it, and one with a cybernetic tentacle? "What's that?" I pointed over to it "Oh, that's the prototype for the arm." He said, picking it up "It's able to extend out and grab things, however it's not fit for a prosthetic." He told me gloomily, putting it down.

He led me over to the arm the actually looked like an arm "Now this, this is the real deal." He picked up the controller and moved the arm around a bit. "I sadly haven't been able to figure out how to make it move around like an actual arm." He set the controller down "Now, let's get you your own lab coat." He walked into a office room where an white coat and name tag was waiting for me. "Now, feel free to put that on and explore the lab more. Do want anything to drink?" He asked me as I room the two items down from the coatrack, putting them on "I'll pass on the drink." I told him, he nodded and exited the room. I followed after him.

Otto was over by the coffee machine, I wanted to see if I could give the arm more if a human feel to hit "Hey Doc, is it okay if I look at this arm?" I asked him, he hit a button on the coffee machine and turned around "Feel free to Y/N, this is your lab just as much as it is mine." I walked over to the arm.

If I'm gonna work here I better try and work hard. I picked up the tablet.


I turned on the computer, inputted my password and pulled up some files if Y/N "What's it you see in this kid?" Victor turned to me as I played a file of Y/N taking down Freeze "He's strong, smart, willing to take action, but, he doesn't think that beating people up is always the answer." I said, the video switched to Y/N shaking Freeze's hand "And you think that makes the kid fit to lead the Titans?" Victor asked me, he was skeptical. "Not yet, he still has a lot to learn, but when he learns what he has to, he could be a better hero than Bruce ever was."

(Bird here)
(I know that this chapter is short but there's a big arc coming up soon so be ready for that)

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