I'm you. Issue 3.

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The rest of the night was cold. I stood alone on a roof because of Ben's broken nose he got from that guy. We had Bruce come in and take Miles to the GCPD building, I stood outside waiting. My senses went off. Bruce still didn't seem human. He never really bothered that much with me. He didn't seem like the superhero that kids look up to, but I knew that he was a good person. I turned around ready for a fight. It was the guy from earlier. He didn't look like he wanted to fight me. He just stared. "You gonna say something?" I asked him, he didn't say anything. "I wouldn't trust Warren, he's like a Jackal. He's lied to me before, so I assume he'll lie to you." The man in white said, walking across the roof. "I don't even know you, why should I trust you?" I asked him, he continued to stare at me before speaking. "I am the Fist of Khonshu, true vengeance." The man in white told me, wasn't Khonshu one of the Egyptian gods? I heard someone exit the building, I looked over to see it was a normal cop. I looked back at 'the Fist of Khonshu.' But he was gone. "Did he just pull a Batman?" I looked around, all that was there was a note saying; 'We should stay in touch, find me with this.' There was a crescent moon attached to the note.

At this point, I didn't know if that guy is on our side. I mean, he beat if Jason, Roy, and Ben. But now he told me to not trust Miles. I looked around for Bruce, hoping he would exit the building soon. All the sudden, the bell tower that was cross from the GCPD building rang. My black suit began to separate from me like the bell was hurting it. "What the hell!" I said as the bell stopped ringing. Didn't know what the hell that was about but okay I guess. My head was ringing, I sat down. Bruce appeared next to me. "You okay Y/N?" He asked me, lending his hand down to me. "Yeah, yeah. Just a headache. You get anything out of Miles?" I said, grabbing his hand so he could help me up. Once he did, he walked to the edge of the building. "Scarecrow knows where he is. Apparently him and Hugo made a deal. However Miles is unsure of what that deal was." Bruce told me, I walked up beside him. The difference between us was big; Bruce was fearsome and serious, he mostly did the big stuff. Me on the other hand; I try and be a symbol of hope instead of fear, I told a lot of jokes, helped the little guy. But at the end of the day, we're both human. Bruce looked at me. "You should try harder." He joked, which I wasn't really sure if it was a joke. "So, we gonna kick Scarecrow's ass or what?" I joked, Bruce looked at me and smiled. "Maybe you'd make a good Robin." He joked.


We spent almost three hours looking for Scarecrow because he broke out again. Arkham really needs better security. We tracked him down to a small building on the outskirts of Gotham, Bruce and me were ready to fight. I decided to take action by going in first. I approached the door, slowly opening it, Bruce was entering second. Stepping through the door, I felt something impale my neck. That's a not a good-

I shook up, I looked around where I was, it was my old room. I couldn't see anything outside off my rooms window. I exited my bed, I was already in my suit. My homemade suit. Why is it always this suit? Why can't I wear my snazzy new black suit? I looked out the window again, there were piercing green eyes this time that followed my every movement. I approached my door, slowly opening it. As I did, I was in a room with a hole in the wall. Wait, no. No, no, no. This was the room where my mother was killed. Again apparently. I tried to go back through my door but it was only a black void. The green eyes were all that was there. I collected myself before stepping through room. Even though it was only a room, I struggled to breathe. As I almost reached the hole, a gunshot fired. I whipped around t see my mother bleeding out. No, not again. Please.

As I ran towards her, the floor collapsed, I landed on a floor of debris and water, this was the moment Adrian almost crushed me to death. I struggled to lift the debris, they felt ten times heavier. I tried to call for Bruce or someone, but I couldn't speak. I saw someone through a crack in the debris. It was Ben. For some reason, I could speak now. "Ben! Ben please, you gotta help me, I-" He cut me off. "Are you the original?" He asked me, ignoring my plea for help. "Are you the original!" He shouted at me, I looked down into a puddle, closing my eyes as Ben screamed the same question over and over at me.

And then, it was gone. I opened my eyes startled in an alley. I felt around the wall, it felt cold and wet. I stepped over some pearls as I left the alley. Looking around, I saw my dad leave the gas station. He saw a man pull a gun on somebody, he ran over to try and stop him as he did, I tried to run after him, yell at him to not, try and shoot a web to pull him back. But nothing worked. I had to watched my father die again. No, no I can't let this happen again. I tried again to run at him, and as I broke through whatever was holding me back, I was somewhere else. It was an all white room, people in all white. I was in my Black suit now. Even though I stood out, no one seemed to see me.

This place seemed like a psychiatric ward. I walked around the room, no one saw me, even when I pushed one. I ignored the creepiness that this place was giving off and walked down one off the hallways. As I did, I got pushed into a room by a figure I couldn't see, but they had those green eyes. The room was still in the ward, it held a man who was using a pillow case as a mask and a blanket as a cape. "Y/N?" He asked, approaching me. I raised my fists. He backed up. "Chill out man, it's just me." He said, putting his hands up. I noticed the crescent on his mask. "Who's you?" I asked, circling around the room. "Marc." Something grabbed my legs and pulled me through the floor.

I weakly got up. The figure who pushed me was now holding Cass over a drop, I only now noticed that we were in a cloak tower. He dropped her. "No!" I dived after her, pulling myself down with two webs. As I caught her, I turned over so I'd hit the ground and make sure she didn't die. But as I did, I was stood up on my two feet. Adrian was standing in front of me. He punched me. Then it shifted into Curt, whk clawed me. Then my dad. "You couldn't save me, now no one will save you." He said before punching me. The figure then shifted into my mom, who shot me in the chest. "Weak." Then they changed into Todd. "You'll never be good enough." He said, hitting me with a crowbar. Then Bruce. "Try harder." He said before punching me in the face. Then they were gone. I couldn't breathe. Then I saw a light illuminating a silhouette. Tim's silhouette. "Tim." I said, barely being able to speak at all. Tim started to walk away. "No! Tim! Don't leave me!" I called out for him, he just kept walking. Then, it was over.

I opened my eyes to reality. I saw Bruce being stabbed with a knife. He fell over, Scarecrow looking over him. I stood up and ran at him. He was startled as I slammed him over, punching his face. I just punched him over and over, letting my rage get the best of me. Blood began to soak through his mask and onto my black suits fist. If he was awake before he isn't now. "Y/N!" Bruce shouted, I didn't listen and continued to punch him. "Y/N stop!" He shouted again. I raised my fist for a final punch. Bruce put his hand on my shoulder. I dropped my fist and took off my mask before looking up at him. I was crying. "I'm here. It's okay son, I'm here." He said, kneeling down to give me a hug. I embraced him while crying my eyes out. "I'm here."

(Okay, Y/N has trauma now. Anyways, next chapters going to include a lot more of Ben and Y/N. Anyways please vote and comment, it really helps boost my self esteem on this thing. So until next time, I'm out!)

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