Jobs and Stilt man?

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"You've been fired." Lucius told me "What?" I asked the temporary boss of Wayne industries. "You haven't been attending work, and we can't just pay someone who isn't to working." He said, I was slowly sliding off my chair "Luckily since you were just a janitor, you don't have to worry about getting all your stuff out of a office!" Lucius joked. I stood up "Well I'll be on my way now." I grabbed my bag that held my suit "I'm sure you'll find another job soon enough." Lucius said as I left the room. I headed to the stairs, I last Adrian on the way out.

I sat on top of the roof, eating a sandwich that Alfred gave me. "I should get to my other job." I said, finishing the sandwich and putting on my mask "Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is on his way." I jumped off the roof and shot a web, beginning to swing. I looked around for anything to do while I wait for the inevitable supervillain or two to show up, when I saw Cass on top of a building. I swung up to her "So what's going on?" I said, sticking to a wall "Wayne tech has been going missing for a week." She told me, I jumped off the wall "Along with a pair of high tech wings from Oscorp." She said, I remembered seeing those at the penguins scheme "Any leads?" I asked Cass "One, a man named Adrian Toomes. He's the other janitor." She said, I put my hand on the back of my head "Only. Only Janitor now." I said, she looked at me and chuckled, then stopped "Wait, plan was you would get close to him." She said, I sighed. "I'll have Tim call Lucius. Should we look for any other crimes?" I asked her, she nodded "Do you wanna run or should we just swing?" I asked her, extending my hand "Swinging faster." She said, grabbing my hand "I thought you said running would be faster." I joked, referring to a few nights ago. I held her and jumped off the building.

We were swinging for awhile before seeing an explosion go off "I'm guessing we should take care of that?" I said, she nodded. As we approached the explosion we saw a man standing on two 48ft-ish stilts. "This is so stupid." I said, we swung towards the stilt guy "Stop right there ne'er-do-well!" I said in a really bad British accent "Stupid." Cass said, jumping off of me and onto one of the stilts "Hey what're you doing!" He said, shooting some mechanical arm at her, I shot a web at it and pulled it to me, causing him to almost fall over. I kept swinging to get behind him. I then pull myself to him and kicked his back, Cass broke one of the stilts, he was sent tumbling over. Cass jumped off of him. "I don't think stilts are that great of a gimmick." I said, webbing him to the sidewalk. I realized that a small crowd has formed around us, they were whispering something "We go?" Cass asked me, I looked at her and nodded. I picked Cass up and swung onto one of the buildings. "That guy was stupid." I said, letting her go. "You call Tim?" She asked me "Oh, yeah sure." I grabbed my phone out of one of my pockets, Cass stared at me in confusion "What? A man can't have pockets?" I joked. I dialed in Tim's number.

"Hey what's up? Did Cass tell you about the plan?" Tim asked me "Yeah..." I said, sitting down "So what's it you need?" Tim said, Cass already started to laugh "I kinda got fired..." I told him, Cass laughed more "Of course you did." I could tell Tim was upset "I'll call Lucius, see what I can do." He hung up after saying that. I looked back at Cass "So I guess I'll see you at the manor for dinner?" I asked Cass, she nodded "I'll see you around then." I said, getting up and walking to the edge of the building. I jumped off and began to swing away.

I swung through Gotham and pass a few signs when I spotted one saying: 'I want your pictures of the Spider-Menace!'-TheDailyBugle! It had a picture of the guy from the hospital. "There's the lightbulb idea." I said, swinging to the manor to grab something. My sense went off "Oh you've gotta be joking me." I said, dodging a bullet. "Couldn't you've done this some other day?" I quipped before shooting a web at the snipers face. I swung at the guy and punched his rifle out of his hand "Who sent you?!" I shouted in a Batman impression. The man stood up, he was in a uniform that was similar to the League of Assassins uniform "Oh, well I think I know who sent you now." I shot a web at his feet, then kicked him in the face. "See you around!" I said, jumping off the building

(Sorry it's taken me so long to get a chapter out I've had some serious writers block recently. But I promise there's a big arc coming up soon so here's a teaser for that)

A man in a pair of massive landed in the building "So Adrian, how'd the flight test go?" A man asked Adrian "Better than ever Phineas." Adrian told Phineas, taking off his helmet "Randy, how's the plan coming along?" Adrian asked another man "Even better with rise of crime." Randy told Adrian "However, we do have a new possible, component to the plan." Randy told Adrian "Oh what is it?" Adrian said, taking off his wings. "Some kid named Y/N L/N, says he knows about this whole gang and wants in. He said he found out through work." Randy told Adrian "I'll bring him in tomorrow. But boys, it's time for the era of the Vulture."

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