I'm you. Issue 4.

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I sat still the next morning. I was on a cot in the Batcave, huddled in a blanket because I gave Ben my room. All I was trying to do was breathe. I was still struggling. All of that vision made me have second thoughts about this entire superhero thing. Am I the original? Am I good enough? Could I have saved dad? I didn't know and I didn't want to know. I looked at the various assortment of suits. There were almost all of them for the other members, but none of mine cause they were either lost in the fire or are being used. I tried to stand up but my legs shook. It felt like the hits I received from everyone was real and it hurt. More than anything. And who was the green eyes figure? Why did Tim walk away? I needed to get my mind off this. I should do some training. "Master L/N, I hardly believe you are in the stat to do anything." Alfred said, holding a mug. I turned around too face him. "I remember when Master Bruce was first hit with the fear toxin, he thought that he lost me." He said, leading me back to my cot. Handing me the mug of coffee. "It's decaf." He told me before walking away. There I sat for the rest of the night, only being able to get an hour of sleep in. Is this what it feels like to be Tim Drake?


Something touched my arm, I jerked up ready to fight. "Chill bro, it's just me." It was Ben, who brought almost immediate flashbacks to a part of the fear toxin dream. I nodded, slowly stood up. I felt sick. But I knew I still would need to help. I attempted to stand up, but fell over. Ben caught me. "Carful dude, can't have you getting hurt before we even go and figure out something." Ben said, I noticed Bruce standing adjacent to us. He looked at me worryingly. He sighed before approaching us. "I got some information out of Scarecrow about Hugo. He's in the underground of Metropolis." Bruce told us. Ben nodded and so did I. "I'll give you some time to prepare before we leave." Bruce told us, walking away. Ben looked at me. "I'm okay, go do what you need to." I told him. He smiled and left me alone. I took a moment to sit down and calm myself.

I walked over to one of the suits, Jason's old Robin suit. Bruce viewed Jason as one of his greatest failures. I didn't want to end up like that, I don't want to fail the Batfamily, but I also don't want to let the city down. I'm Spider-Man, the spectacular Spider-Man. I looked down at my scarred hand, I was lucky to make it out alive in most of my fights. I noticed some facial hair in the reflection of the display glass. I needed to start shaving. I looked at the mirror opposite of the suits, still unsure if I was the original, if I was me. I wish I could just talk to my dad right now. "What'd you see." Bruce said, appearing next to me. He put his hand on my shoulder. "You remember the night my mom died. It was that. Then the night my dad left. I also went through being trapped under that building." I said, leaving out some of the other parts. "That's not it. Tell me everything." Bruce told me, I sighed. Do you think I'm a good person Bruce?" I asked him. "Of course you are Y/N." He comforted me. Even though I was almost 20 now, I still felt like the scared 17 year old I was when I started this job. "Is that it?" Bruce asked, I shook my head. "Tim walked away. He left me. I don't know if that means I'm afraid of losing Tim or afraid of him losing me. Before that Cass almost died in my vision. I was able to catch her but maybe because it was just a figment of the illusion." I trauma dumped onto Bruce, he was willing to help me through it. "Well it wasn't real, none of that will ever happen." Bruce said. And I really hoped he was right about that.


I sat next to Ben and Stephanie in the Batplane. Tim, Bruce, and Dick all took the Batcopter. Barbara told us about a weaponized drone legion protecting Hugo. He was under Metropolis's observation tower. Stephanie wasn't the best pilot and that was obvious. "We have a drivers license you know!" Me and Ben shouted, holding on for deal life. While a drivers license doesn't mean you can fly a plane, I think it's better than having someone who still has the maturity of a 14 year old piloting. "Bruce let me pilot- Oh shit!" She shouted, barely dodging a plane. "Okay, we're landing." Ben said, jumping over into the Co-pilot seat. "But it's only ten miles aw-" Stephanie tried to speak. "We're landing." Ben told Stephanie. "You're no fun." She said, beginning to approach the ground. "I'll drive us the rest of the way." Ben said, since the Batplane could transform into the Batmobile. As we landed, Ben swapped seats with Steph and hit a button, causing the plane to turn into a car. Steph reached for the radio, Ben looked at her with a glare that could rival Bruce's. I remained quiet, still thinking about what I saw, what I lost. I saw the sigh saying we've entered Metropolis, the city looked much brighter than Gotham. The observation tower was visible from here. "Have you made it?" Bruce asked, Ben looked at the screen Bruce appeared on. "Yeah. Also never let Stephanie pilot again." Ben said, moving around traffic. "Noted." Bruce said as we parked near the observation tower. "We'll meet you outside of the tower." Ben told Bruce, we were about a block away. We all put in our masks and left the car. "Race you to the tower." Ben said before he started to swing. "No fair, you guys have powers!" Stephanie said, pulling out her grapple hook. That left me. I had a bad feeling about this, Ben landed next to me. "Did I lose her?" He asked me, I looked over at him. He chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah I think so." I said, Ben stretched his arms. I looked down at my hands. "Something wrong bro?" Ben asked me, looking me up and down. "If you were the original, would that change your view on me?" I asked him. Ben shook his head. "Y/N, take it like this; me and you are like identical twins. If you were my clone that doesn't change anything. I hope you think the same if it were switched." Ben told me, I nodded. "We should probably go catch up with the others."

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