Brilliant but lazy.

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I set down my boxes in my old room "And here I thought you lived in some place bigger." Harry said, helping me unpack my things "You didn't need to help." I joked, putting my suit in a drawer "I'm still shocked on how Gotham recovers so fast after attacks like whatever crazy stuff happens." Harry said, putting a lamp on my nightstand "Well we got some crazy superheroes here. Heard that the Spider-Man took down the Vulture guy." I complimented myself "Where does this go?" Harry asked me, taking the photo of me and my parents out of a box. "On the Nightstand with my lamp." I told him, he nodded and set it down "Well we're done with your room." Harry said, looking around at the empty boxes "And pretty much all of the other rooms were never cleared out in the first place." I said, Harry's phone rang "I'm gonna take this, my dads calling." He walked out of the room.

I walked over to the photo of my parents, inspecting it once more. I sat down on my bed until Harry came back "Y/N, so my dad found out about your grades and now he wants to talk to you about a job with someone named Otto Octavius." Harry told me, I was a bit confused about how his dad found out about my grades. "You in?" Harry asked "Yeah, is there any day he wants to talk with me?" I said, standing back up "Today." Harry said "What?" Harry grabbed my arm "C'mon my dads cool." He said, taking me out of the room "Do you wanna walk or should I call someone?" Harry asked me, I shook my hand "I haven't walked around in the city for awhile." I wasn't lying since I've been swinging a lot more recently.

We started walking down the street "So you got a crush on anyone at the school?" Harry asked me, I laughed "No no, not at school." I said, still confused about me and Cass's relationship "What about you?" I asked him as we crossed the street "Well, I think that Gwen girls kinda cute." Harry said, kicking the last remains of the snow "I swear this snows been lasting since February, and it's like March now." He said, reminding me of Freeze. I should check on him sometime soon, I could ask him to make freeze webs. "You're right, we'll be going to college soon." I pointed out, We walked past the bodega "Speaking of college, where do you plan to go?" He asked me, I shrugged "I think that Gotham collage is pretty good, I have the grades for a scholarship." I told him, he nodded "They do have Curt Conners there, apparently he's researching about regeneration or something." Harry said was we arrived at the Oscorp building, Harry opened the door for me "Nerds first." Harry mocked me, I smiled and walked inside.

A man in a suit and tie was waiting for us "Mr. Osborn is waiting for you two in the conference room." He bowed and put his hand out to the elevator. Harry patted my back and led me to the elevator. He waited in it "I don't know what floor the conference room." I said, pointing to the various buttons. Harry made a o shape with his mouth and pressed floor 67. (Oscorp has 107 buildings.)

Once the elevator hit the floor we needed and opened the doors we got out of the elevator. There was two massive Italian maple doors, Harry pushed the doors open and walked in like he owned the place. I mean he probably would one day. "Ah Harry, did you bring Y/N?" A man asked as I walked in the room. Two people besides me and Harry were in the room "Ah Y/N, Norman Osborn." Norman said, shaking my hand. I looked over at the other man, he had short brown hair and glasses "This is the boy you were talking about Norman?" The man said, looking me up and down "Indeed it is Otto." Norman said sitting back down "Take a seat you two." Norman gestured to some seats for me and Harry, we sat down "Now Y/N, this is Otto, brilliant scientist and good friend." Norman said, introducing me to Otto "Otto, this is Y/N, his teachers call him brilliant but lazy." Norman said, causing Otto to laugh a bit "So Y/N, how would you feel about working on a project with Otto that can change the world. Monitored my me of course." Norman asked me "How would it change the world?" I asked the two "I'm trying to make prosthetic limbs that can match normal limbs almost perfectly. I've tried for 2 years now but it's just getting to hard for one man to do on his own." Otto told me, I thought about it "Now of course I would, helping people is something I always want to do." I said, remembering how my dad would also help people no matter what.

Norman stuck his arms out "So, what's the price?" Norman asked me, I was confused "Price?" I asked "How much do you want to get paid Y/N." He said, I shook my head "I don't need to get paid Mr. Osborn, put my pay into the budget." I told him, Otto smiled "So, we'll start tomorrow?" Otto asked me "Yeah, yeah that sounds good." I told him "Harry, please show Y/N out so me and Otto may discuss more things." Norman said, Harry nodded and brought me out of the room "Congratulations Y/N, you've just landed a job with one of the smartest people on the planet!" Harry congratulated me "Thanks dude." I put my hand up for a high five, he hit it.

I got a call from Tim "Looks like I gotta go dude, see you tomorrow!" I waved to him, walking to the elevator.

(Hey, Bird here,
So I'm going to work on some more chapters before the next big arc, expect the next chapter to be out Tuesday or Wednesday)

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