Spider-Verse. 0.5

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(Okay, I know I did this same thing with the clone arc but I'm to lazy to spellcheck and grammar check right now, not to mention I'm hitting a major burnout with this story. So I've decided to do something that you'll guys will see at the end of the chapter.)

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Can that life support ever shut up? Wait. Where the hell am I? I frantically sat up in the comfortable hospital bed I was in. Looking around the room I saw three other beds, one with another person in it. His suit was black with red webbing. He was also wearing a Spider-Man suit. I grabbed the needle that was in my wrist. "I wouldn't recommend pulling that out, we might be Spider-Men but we still feel pain." Another person said, he was wearing a bluish black, and red suit. His suit looked very futuristic. "Where am I? Where's Cass, is she safe?" I asked, worried that the weird vampire guy was left with Cass. "She's safe. Safer than you." He told me, walking towards me. "I'm Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man." Miguel said, I looked around the room for a window, there was none. "All you need to know is that there's an entire multiverse of people like you, but there are these people called the Inheritors who are trying to kill people like me and you." He said, I started to zone out, a high pitched ringing echoed in my ear. Something felt even weirder about this place. I snapped back to reality. "Y/N, you listening? I've got a large bombshell to drop onto you." Miguel said, I turned back to him. "You're in the wrong Omni-verse. I don't know why, or how for the better part. But you seem to act like a magnet, pulling in things from different reality's. But it's only small things, nothing to strong. For now at least." Miguel told me, however it sounded like someone was trying to explain Scientology to me. And to be honest I just wanted to go home to Cass. Another person walked into the room, she was wearing a black and white suit, she also had a red scarf it looked like. "Otto has a plan. Are you coming?" She asked Miguel, he looked at her, then back to me. "Can you walk?" He asked me, I shrugged, then realized, she said Otto. And there's no way in hell two people go by Otto in the multiverse. I weakly got out of bed, realizing the bandanna that I was using as a mask wouldn't work anymore. Miguel tossed me a ski mask and goggles, similar to the one I used in my homemade suit. I put them on and Miguel took out the needle. Me, him, and the girl walked out of the room.

I was greeted by about five other spiders. One with a large white logo, one with a all black suit and trench coat, one was a woman with a yellow and red suit, and the two that saved me. "Y/N, this is Jessica Drew, Peter Parker but we call him Peter 3, Peter Parker Noir, Otto Octavius, Hobart Brown, and Cindy Moon of course." Miguel introduced me to the group. "Has U.K. came back from his mission yet?" Cindy asked Otto, who shook his head. Cindy nodded and walked to what looked like a portal opener or whatever you call those things. "How's Miles?" Otto asked, continuing to type something. "He seems to be better, but if he doesn't heal in time we're gonna need more spiders." Miguel said, Noir decided to take off his coat and role up his sleeves, taking a cover off a board. It had a lot of other Spider-People on it. "What's this?" Peter 3 asked, Noir looked over at us. "Potential recruits." He said, starting to read out the board. "Spiders-Man; it might just be a hive mind of spiders but that doesn't mean they're weak. Spider-Gwen; she's been an ally before and I'm sure she'd be willing to help. Peter 1 and Peter 2; Peter 3 has fought with them before so I'm sure they'd be willing to help. Spider-Cop; he's a spider and a cop. And lastly, 616." Noir explained, Otto thought about it for a second.

(So as I said before this chapter hasn't been checked over, but I did want to announce something...

Bird's Library.

That will be a book where I can write whatever I want, whenever I want. Because I'm getting burnt out with the superhero stuff, but that doesn't mean I won't be updating this story. I'm just taking a small break from things like this book. And it's up now.)

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