The Titans! Issue 4

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Me and Rose walked into the party, Deathstroke could be seen at the door. "So, I see you decided to come as well." Deathstroke said, I could tell he was a bit suspicious of us. "And who are you?" He questioned me, I had to think fast "Another mercenary." Rose told her dad. A man in a suit and tie approached Deathstroke and whispered something in his ear. Deathstroke waved and walked away. "Alright, you guys need to find where the deal is happening and snag the briefcase before anything bad can happen." Jason said through an earpiece.

We approached the party room and looked around "You see anything?" I asked Rose, she shook her head. The people at the party all looked like they were very wealthy. A man passed us to talk to somebody else. "Ah Mr. Li, you made it!" The other person said. I knew the party was for wealthy people but I thought it'd be corrupt wealthy people, this Li guy looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. "How's F.E.A.S.T?" The stranger asked Li. Rose pulled me away before I could hear anything else.

She pulled over to the dance floor. "What're you doing?" I asked her, watching people pass by or dance. "We gotta blend in somehow." She said, I felt uncomfortable. "Hey maybe this is a bad idea, it'd be better if we split up." I told her, she sighed "Okay, we can pass on dancing, but we aren't splitting up." We walked off the dance floor and to the left corner.

"You guys seeing anything?" Tim asked from my earpiece. I looked around and saw a man in a white mask that resembled an owl. "Some guy in a mask that looks like an owl." I couldn't see anything but I heard Tim stand up "Get out of there! Both of you!" Jason shouted, I'm sure it couldn't be that bad. The man in the mask opened his coat to reveal a bomb.

Oh no.

My senses went off and I tackled Rose to the floor as the bomb went off. I stood back up. People were screaming. The building was on fire. "Looks like we better suit up." Rose said, taking off her coat to reveal her suit. I took off my suit and put on my mask. "You find the briefcase, I'll go get everyone out of the fire!" Rose shouted to me, I jumped away to find the briefcase.

I looked around to where the bomb was set off, I knew the case would have to be somewhere near it. I saw it next to a dismembered arm. "That's unsettling." I said to myself as I went to grab the case. "Oh you've gotta be kidding me." I said to myself as my senses went off again. I turned around and kicked Deathstroke across the face.

"Come on Slade, you know how this goes; you attack me, I fight back, beat you up, and throw you in the slammer." I told him as he stood back up. "It'll be different this time." He said, pulling his katanas out. We walked in a circle around the briefcase. I shot a web at the briefcase, he dived at me. I used the briefcase to hit him in the face. He landed on the floor but kicked back up and slashed at my chest. I jumped back, making sure I didn't get cut. "I see you got a replacement katana." I said, remembering on how I have one of his older katanas in my room.

I saw Conner fly in above me. Rose ran in to help me. She stood next to me with her own katana ready. "No..." Slade said, he realized that he was betrayed by his own daughter. He took a moment and looked around "I'll just kill both of you." He charged at us, I flipped over him and kicked him in the back, Rose then punched him in the face. He got back up and tried to stab Rose when his arms became trapped in purple and black chains. "You're outnumbered Slade, give it up." Jason said, walking up to us. He looked over at the gas tank, something was in it, but it was blurry. "And I never thought he'd be useful." As he said that, my sense went off. King shark charged through the wall, grabbing Raven. That caused the chains to break.

Conner slammed into King shark, releasing Raven. "We need some more back up here." Deathstroke said, speaking into a walkie talkie. Jason grabbed his crowbars and hit them against Deathstrokes katanas. A helicopter appeared above us. "The calvary has arrived!" Harley Quinn shouted, jumping down with ManBat. "I thought the Suicide Squad was gone?" Jason said, Raven got ready to cast another spell "Oh it is, we're just on League of Assassins payroll." Deathstroke got ready to clash with Jason again. "Ravager, your with me! Spidey and Raven, go fight ManBat until the others get here!" Jason shouted at me. I ran at ManBat and webbed him in the face, Raven cast a spell, restraining the ManBat. "What about me?" Harley shouted, attempting to hit me with her mallet. I jumped over it and punched her into ManBat. Raven put chains around both of them, allowing me too web them up.

That didn't last for long since ManNat easily broke out of the webs. I saw Damian, Tim, and Roy all jump into battle. Damian going to help with Deathstroke, Roy going to help with King shark, and Tim helping me and Raven. "Took you guys long enough!" I shouted, flipping over ManBat and onto his back. "We had to make sure all the civilians were safe!" Tim shouted, blocking Harleys mallet with his Bo-staff. I webbed both of ManBats wings, preventing him from flying away. Raven cast another spell, pulling him to the ground. I jumped up and shot two weblines. I pulled myself down, kicking him in the face to knock him out. "We make a pretty decent team." I said, putting my hand up for a high five. Raven floated past me. "Rude..." I muttered. I ran over to help Tim with Harley. She tried to strike Tim in the legs with her mallet. Instead, I shot a web at it and stuck it to the ground.

Tim did a spin kick and knocked Harley out. "Raven, go help with King shark, me and Red will take on Deathstroke!" I called out, Raven nodded and went to help Conner and Roy. We saw that Deathstroke was already struggling with three people attacking him. When me and Tim jumped in he started to panic. "This is why I never should've had children..." Deathstroke said, I could tell that slightly hurt Rose by that.

Deathstroke started to back up and act open, like he wanted to be hit. Jason was the one to do it, he kicked Deathstroke in the chest, sending him over to Damian. That was when I realized his plan. He rolled over and went to stab Damian. "No!" I shouted, jumping over to Damian and pushing him out of the way. I felt a cold metal pierce me about three inches away from my heart. Damian's eyes widened, he jumping at Deathstroke and kicking him in the face, taking him down.

I collapsed onto the ground. Tim caught me. "Superboy, get Spidey to the tower as fast as you can!" Jason yelled out to Conner, who flew over and picked me you. "We'll be there soon." Jason told Conner. Conner nodded and flew away. I decided to pass out.

I jerked up and looked around, I was in a medical room. My wound was bandaged and I was hooked up to some machine. The lower had of my suit was all that remained. Somebody knocked on the door. "Hello?" Jason peered into the door, seeing that I was awake. "Got some bad news for our little group." He said, walking into the medical room. I looked at him confused. "We've been disbanded. It was Dicks idea, not mine." He told me. I felt sad since everyone here I've already grown accustomed to. "But, that doesn't mean we can't form a team of our own." He said, I raised my eyebrow in response. "What'd you mean by that?" I asked him, he smiled "Welcome to The New Outlaws, Y/N." Well, this'll be fun.

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