Symbiosis. Issue 1.

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I woke up peacefully to Cass sleeping next to me, her head was tucked into my chest. It looked to be about eight in the morning. Even though I didn't get much sleep, I had to go back and patch up the wound. The sun was hitting my face, it felt nice. However, I had the strangest dream last night. I was wearing my suit and beating the ever-loving crap out of some thugs. I didn't speak at all, it was as if I was asleep. Cass shifted, she would probably be waking up any second now. Someone knocked on the door. "Can I come in?" It was Dick. "Only if you aren't a vampire," I told him, Cass opened her eyes. "Am I interrupting?" Dick asked, walking into the room. He sat down on the chair that was near the desk. "No, no. You're fine" I told him, Cass stayed in my arms. "So why'd you come in here?" I asked Dick. "Well, since you guys seem to have one of the only stable relationships among the family, I thought I should ask you guys something," Dick said, I was listening, not sure about Cass though. "Shoot," I told him, pointing a finger gun at him. "Should I ask Barbara to marry me?" That seemed to catch Cass's attention. Both of us sat up in bed and stared at him. "I and her have been dating for a couple of years now, so I thought-" Cass interrupted him. "Yes." She told him. "I could see it going good," I added on. Dick nodded and smiled. "If it goes smoothly you'll both get extra cake." Dick joked. He stood up and left the room.

I shifted and got out of bed. We should probably get ready for patrol. I've been taking the morning shift on weekends since I have college on weekdays and had to help Otto in the afternoon. My suit immediately formed around me, I tried to retract it but no luck. "Leaving?" Cass asked me, I looked back at her. "I think so," I told her, Standing up I looked back at her, I waved to her before going for the window. I could still feel the wound. I dived out, getting to work.


I walked out of Otto's lab in the dead of night, I had just found out that both Jason and Damian have been hurt, badly. And I would need to sub in for them. I could go after Miles, but it seems like that moon guy had that under control. Maybe I could meet up with Tim or Cass. Or we could just go do normal Spidey stuff. The suit formed around me. It wasn't on command, it seems like it's got a mind of its own now. I just looked upon the city. Was it worth all the pain and loss for a city that would never change? Villains that'll never reform. We should just ki- no. I can never think like that. But Bruce killed Darkseid. Why am I arguing with myself? And that was different. Darkseid was a god that was going to hurt everyone. I sat down on the side of the building. "You look evil with that suit you know." I turned around, it was Duke and Harper. I haven't interacted with these two that much. "So Bruce can be dark and I can't?" I joked, standing up. "Fair point," Harper said. "So, you wanna go out on patrol with us?" Duke asked. No, we don't. "I'm not sure, I think we'd cover more ground if I went on my own," I said, rubbing the back of my head. "Oh c'mon, it'll be fun!" Harper said. No, no, no. We're stronger without them, they'll just get in the way. "I-I've just been going through some personal issues ya know? I just got cloned and one of the said clones left." I backed up from the two. "We'll get Batburger!" Harper shouted energetically. "We said no!" I shouted at the two. They both backed up. I fell to my knees. Duke tried to approach me. "Y/N, are you okay?" He asked, reaching his hand out to me. "No..." I said, Duke, looked at me with pity. "Y/N, we'll take you back to the Manor," Duke said, I shook my head. "Just- leave me alone," I told him, frantically standing up. Duke took his helmet off. "Y/N, we're just worried about you, we're your friends," Duke said, Harper also took her mask off. "We can call Cass or Tim," Harper said, I backed up. "I said: leave us alone." I stepped towards the edge of the building. Duke knew what I was going to do. "Y/N, no!" He reached his hand out to me as I fell back. I began to swing away, we needed to be alone.

We landed in an alleyway, I breathed heavily. Is something in my head? I just- I don't know what to do. I would try and tech out to Bruce, but he's off with Kate training Kaine. Tim, Tim will know what to do. We do not need Tim. Yes, I do. I looked around, a group of thugs was standing at the end of the alley. Shit. "It's the Spider!" One shouted in a Brooklyn accent. I noticed what looked like a man's corpse with a child's unconscious body next to it. They killed that father. I stood up, ready to fight. I felt weak. One of the four thugs ran at me, my senses weren't going off, I tried to punch him but it was slow enough to where he could dodge it. I kicked his legs before he was able to hit me with the crowbar he held. The next one-shot me, yet again no senses. I held the wound like the one from before who hit me over the head with a crowbar. I passed out. We, passed out.

I opened my eyes again, I was alone in the alley, I looked at my hands, they were covered in blood. My wound was gone. I looked around the alley to see four mangled bodies around me. Oh god. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I fell backward into the wall, I was probably having a panic attack. What Happened while I was out. And what'll Bruce think of me? What'll Cass do, I curled up into a ball, fuck.

(Bird, new cover! Yay! Please remember to vote so this story can reach as many people as possible! ALSO, 2000-3000 word chapters will be making a return.)

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