I'm you. Issue 2.

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Me and me sat next to each other watching Madagascar 2. Why? Because me number 2 wanted too. "Why can't we watch the Batman movie, it's made by the best move guy of all time, AKA; Steven Grant." I said, other me shook his head. He reclined in his chair. "But now that we actually know who Batman is, it's so inaccurate." Other me said, he wasn't wrong. The movie thought that Batman was just some random guy on the streets that had connections with Superman. "What about Robin 3, it has a 97% on rotten tomatoes?" I asked other me, he sighed. He was probably about to criticize it. "We've watched it so many times though. What about Justice League?" Other me asked me. "I'm not sure, didn't they kill off Hal in the first movie only to bring him back as Parallax in the next? Also wasn't it really bad?" I asked, other me ate some popcorn that Jason made. "I wouldn't know, your my clone." Other me said while crunching on the popcorn. "Hey let's not get into that yet. Besides, you could be my clone." I said, causing the other me to laugh. "Okay, okay, let's just marathon the Nightwing show." Other me laughed, I just laid my head back. A door opened, Bruce walked past us and through the hallway. "Did you find anything?" I asked Bruce, who just kept walking down the hall. "No, in fact it's even worse it seems." Bruce said while walking. I looked at other me before we followed behind him. "What's worse?" Other me asked, Bruce walked down into the Batcave. "It seems the only person who would know anything is Dr. Hugo Strange." Bruce said, pulling up Hugo Strange's tab. "However he's been off the grid for two years now." Bruce said, going through the tab over and over. "Although there's someone who might know where he is, Miles Warren, an old lab partner that worked with him for awhile." Bruce said, clicking on Miles's name, leading to his tab. "Got out of Arkham a month ago." The tab held his address and information. You could leak all of someone's info with this.

As we were looking at the file, Roy walked into the cave whilst holding Jason. He was bloodied. Bruce turned and ran towards Jason. "What happened?" He shouted at Roy. Bruce might've been over stressed with the two me's and a almost dead Jason. "You think I know? We were jumped by some guy with a white costume and a white hood! He kicked our asses!" Roy said, Bruce carried Jason over to an operation table. "Y/N, go get Alfred!" Bruce shouted at me. Both of us ran. What the hell.


Me and me were watching the city, looking for Miles. I was in my fancy new black suit and other me was wearing the Batman inspired one that Bruce gave us. "So does that thing just come off and on?" Other me asked, I looked at him and then my arm. I retracted the arm. "Cool right?" I asked me, he nodded. "So who do you think the guy that jumped Jason and Roy was?" I asked, sitting down on the ledge. Other me sat next to me. "I dunno, but let's hope they don't get in our way." Other me seemed a bit more violent than me. Was I just a nice clone or is he just an angry clone. My black suit went back over my arm. "Hey, if I'm the clone, what should I do?" I asked other me, I was confident I wasn't but that didn't mean it was written out of the equation. "I made a plan for the situation where I'm the clown, even though I'm not; I plan to move too NYC and become its hero. Maybe take up the name Scarlet Spider." Other me said, that was a badass name. "I meant about Cass, I assume we both love her." I asked other me, he sighed. "Yeah." After he spoke we remain quiet. "Is there anything I can call you by or do you want me to make another name." I asked other me, he looked over at me. "Well since I'm the original, I'll be the better person. You can call me Ben." Ben said, I knew where he got the name. Also he didn't know who the original was either so it's like a coin flip. "Well Ben, should we actually start looking or are we just gonna procrastinate up here?" I joked, he chuckled and stood up. "Let's get to work." He said, falling off the building headfirst. I laughed and fell after him.

We began to swing, people were shouting in the streets at us. Some calling us menaces, but most confused on how there was two of me now. Ben did a flip in the air, ended up behind me after. "And I think that flip made me cooler." Ben joked, I shook my head. "I still think the suit should count towards whoever's cooler. And that's obviously me." I said, swinging onto another building and then doing a dive off. "Let's just let spiders be spiders and get too work." Ben said, that was a stupid line but he's me so I technically said that.


Me and Ben landed on a building that Miles could've been in. Thanks for the tip Barbara. I should talk to her more, we've really only talked once. "You gonna be a gentleman and open the door for me or what?" Ben joked, I walked over and opened the door, walking through first. As soon as I entered a chill ran down my spine. It felt like a shard of the moon stabbed me, but nothing did. I walked through, Ben following close behind me. As we walked through the hall, a goon was sent back. I ran over to him. "He's not breathing..." I told Ben who followed me over. The victim had two holes in his chest. We turned around the corner, two more bodies were laid out in the hall. Either Miles killed these guys, or something else did. And I hoped it wasn't something else. The hall lead to a door, as I reached for the doorknob, something slammed against the door, Ben looked at me before I opened the door. A man stood holding a man by his throat before breaking it. He dropped the body, looking over to Miles Warren. "Back off buddy!" Ben shouted at the man who was wearing black and white.

 "Back off buddy!" Ben shouted at the man who was wearing black and white

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He looked like Batman but he was obsessed with the moon. The man turned around and walked toward Miles. Ben shot a web at the man but he somehow caught it. The man pulled on the web, putting Ben onto the floor. The man continued to walk towards Miles, picking him up by his shirt. "I'll tell you where the staff is! Just don't kill me!" Miles shouted in fear of being killed. The man stared at Miles. "It's in Ra's al Ghul's temple! It's in his temple!" Miles said, the man dropped him, turning around. He passed me all the while petrifying me with his glare. He left the room. "Who the hell was that guy?" Ben said, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know, but he's trouble."

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