The End? Issue 2 of Symbiosis.

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I sat still, laying my head against the wall I heard water dripping down the side of the building. I looked around the alley once more, past the blood and bodies I noticed two roses, along with some pearls. This made the situation even worse for me. I didn't know who I could go to. The Batfamily would kick me out immediately, Freeze wants nothing to do with crime, Conner wouldn't help me either, maybe Roy? No, he wouldn't be able to hide a secret from Jason. Rose, Rose will be able to help me. I stood up weakly, the wall was keeping me up. I wasn't hurt, emotionally at least. I had one job! One! And that was not to kill anyone. And I did. Four.

Walking out of the alley, people were shocked, I tried my best to just focus on getting Rose. Limping past stores and restaurants, I felt worse. Then an alarm went off, Shocker ran out of a building. I looked down at my bloody hands, should I go after him? I have to. I stood up triumphantly, already something was clawing in my head. I started to swing towards Shocker. He noticed this and ran into an alley, I still followed after him. Once he reached the end, he grabbed a man, Harry. He seemed to have been out with MJ. This was the worst day ever. "Let the kid go, Shocker," I told him, and MJ backed up. Some people started to run away. "And why should I? You'd just break my arms when I do." He said that was probably true. His gauntlets began to charge up. "Shocker, we aren't in a good mood today, so if you want to lose a limb instead of getting a broken bone, be our guests." We said, at this point Shocker's arms were shaking. Harry noticed this and tried to hit him in the chest, this set off his gauntlets, causing him to get shot into a closed restaurant, I ran towards him, MJ did the same. I knelt next to him, luckily he was still alive. My mask retracted as I looked at him. "Y/N?" MJ said, I ignored her and checked Harry for any injuries. Most likely some broken bones. Shocker began to run into the clock tower. "Call an ambulance for Harry. No matter what, stay by his side." I told MJ, my mask forming once more. "Why don't you at least take him to a hospital?!" MJ asked, I left and looked at Shocker before he went into the tower. He looked back at me and froze. We began to approach him. No, I'm in control, not whatever is in my head. No! You are nothing! Together we can be so much more. I fell to my knees, something was pulling me down. I should've just gone to Rose. I began to pass out again. I couldn't let that happen though, I weakly stood up. Walking towards the clock tower, Something grabbed me, I was being lifted into the air. "Adrian?" I asked, looking up to see the Vulture. "Sorry kid, the pay was too good to pass." He dropped me, I was able to catch myself with a web, then stabbed by a sickle on a chain. "Your body will be interesting to experiment on." Scarecrow stood behind me, then pulled the sickle out. Shocker busted a hole through the wall. "So Spidey, what'd you think of the squad? I was thinking of calling us the Troublesome Three!" He said, pointing one of his gauntlets at me. My wound was already healed. I didn't know what to do, three is a concerning amount of pets to own. And I have to fight three supervillains. "That's a terrible name and you know it," I said, getting ready to fight. "Oh well fuck you too." He said before shooting one of his gauntlets at me, it blew me back about ten feet. Adrian flew at me, picking me up and pushing me up against the wall. He pointed a pistol at me. I punched him the nuts, he crumbled up. That would put him out for about ten seconds. Scarecrow began to spin his sickle. He threw it at me, as I dodged it, I was hit back into it by another one of Shockers blasts. The force was enough to throw me through the wall. I slowly got up. I couldn't win this fight. If this is the place I die, I need to tell Cass I'm sorry.

I limped out of the building, trying to sneak away from the villains. My phone was broken. I began to swing away. Stopping at a telephone box on the next street over. Luckily I had enough change to use it. I typed in Cass's phone number. The phone rang. "Please," I muttered to myself. I couldn't die and just have Cass live in grief for the rest of her life. I was hurting physically and mentally. Everything from the murder to this. Let us take control. Cass answered the phone. "Hello?" She said I was starting to cry at this point. "It's me, Cass, this is probably the last time you'll hear me..." I said while tears began to stream down my face "What's wrong?!" She sounded worried. I noticed the villains starting to approach the street. "Cass, I've done something I'm not proud of, and now I'm facing what could be the last fight of my life, I just need you to know that I want you to move on when I die. Find someone else to love. Don't let my death stop you from loving again. Tell Tim that he's my brother and that I love him like one too." I said while crying. Enough with the crying, just let us take control! "Y/N, where are you!" She shouted, I coughed some blood. I noticed a wound that wasn't healing. I looked at the villains. I only had a few seconds left until they reached me. Maybe only a few minutes left in my life. "I love you," I said before putting the phone back. I opened up the phone booth and walked out. What're you doing! You're going to get us both killed! I put my fists up, ready for my last fight. Shocker charged at me first. Firing his gauntlets at me, I narrowly dodged them, using a web to pull myself towards him. As I did, Scarecrows sickle stabbed me in the chest. At this point, a crowd was forming. I ripped the sickle out of my chest, no matter how much it hurt, I used it to pull Crane towards me, kicking him in the chest and onto the floor. Vulture was next, he picked me up and began to fly straight upwards, I pulled the claw that was holding me off of him. I began to fall about fifty feet. The web I attempted to shoot onto a building was intercepted by Cranes sickle.  Fell straight down and into the road. Leaving a mini crater. "Is he dead?" I heard a few people say. I slowly walked out, I had at least nine broken bones. Once I was seen by the villains, I was shot by Shocker directly into one of the Vultures wings. I was slammed down into the road once again. Vulture looked at me, thinking for a second before shaking his head. He stabbed me in the chest, about three inches away from my heart. I could barely breathe or move now. He picked me up with his wing, the end of the feather could be seen at the other end of my chest. I coughed up more blood. "You could've stayed with the gang, but no, you have to be the hero!" Adrian said before throwing me straight into a car. I fell back on the road. Blood was leaking out of me. I will heal you this past time! But we'll kill them together. No! I can't take another life. My wound already started to heal though. I had to get to the top of the clock tower to gain some more time. Ironic. I reached the top via my webs. It was only seconds away from hitting midnight. I breathed in and out. Hoping Bruce or someone would come to help me.

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