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I laid still, I was in the same building Cass was dropped from in the vision. I stood up, looking around, the room felt more bleak, evil. Sinister. Someone picked me up, it was Tim. "Y/N! Y/N, get up!" He shouted, his face was bloody. He helped me up, there was a massive fire. I looked into it for a second. Then something emerged.

 Then something emerged

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The green goblin. Something told me the name of the creature. The creature reminded me of doomsday, I backed up slowly. The creature stared at us for a second, before lunging at-

"Tim!" I shouted, sitting up in bed. I woke up Cass, who was sleeping next to me. She put her arm on my shoulder. I breathed in. It was just dream. I laid down again, holding Cass. I knew that I wouldn't be able too sleep for the rest of the night, so I waited until Cass fell asleep to leave. As I stood up, I summoned my suit. Something about it felt off, like it was alive. I thought it was just the goo moving around so it would get a better form, but when I looked into the mirror, the suit looked more bulky. Maybe I should just use a different suit tonight. As I took the mask off, it was absorbed into my arm, then forming once again around my face. Okay. That's weird.

I decided to ignore it and get to work. Before I left out the window, I looked back at Cass sleeping peacefully. I was happy for her. I dove out the window and off the land that the property was on, immediately swinging. I did a flip in the air. Thanks to my powers I felt safe doing this. I shot a web onto a building swinging past the lights. My senses went off. "Already?" I asked myself, looking around. I saw a lab on fire. Oh god. That's not good.

I swung towards it, landing inside the burning building. I looked around, it looked like a group of mercenaries were running done the stairs. I looked for anyone else. Miles Warren was strapped to a table, he was frothing at the mouth. I approached. "Miles, Miles can you here me!" I shouted, coughing from the smoke. "You! You did this, you told Hugo! You've turned me into-" He stopped speaking and screamed, forming into some monster. A Jackal. Oh my god. I backed up, coughing once more. The suit weakly began to disappear. "What the hell?" I said before getting tackled out the window by this Jackal. He clawed at my chest, drawing blood. The suit formed around my, I punched Miles off of me. He clawed into the side of a building. I landed on the ground. "Superhero landing." I whispered to myself. I got up, some blood was seeping through the suit. The Jackal looked at me, then climbing up the building. I shot a web to try and get to it, Miles got to the top before I could even get close to him.

As I got to the top of the building, Miles was gone. I looked around for anything, a hair, a claw mark, a footprint, but nothing. I fell to my knees I was too tired to try and go after him. I was recently getting only about two or four hours of sleep between being Spider-Man, college, and helping Otto at the lab. I took of my mask. The man in white appeared next to me. I kinda jumped a bit. "You look tired." His voice was much more polite, like he was a different person. "Listen kid, we'll track this guy down and contact you when we do." We? I had no idea why this guy was being so nice all the sudden or why he's referring to himself as we, but hey, I didn't have to do it so...

He kneeled down next to me. "You just go home and rest. This'll be all sorted out." He said before standing back up. He began to walk away, whispering to himself. I only heard him say a name; Marc. The same one in the vision. As he stepped onto the edge, I stood up. "No." I put my mask back on. "First off; you killed people. And that was so quick I need to understand it better." I said, the man in white looked at me like I was insane. "And I can't just cause a problem and potentially cause someone to die." I told him, walking over to him. As I was, I feel over onto the ground, coughing up a bit of blood. "You aren't well kid." Now the man in white sounded rude, like he sounded before. "Go home." He said before disappearing.

He's right, I should just call someone to pick me up. I swung over to the beach since it was one of my favorite resting spots. The suit opened around my wound, it was deep, the suit seemed to be doing a good job keeping the blood in, but it looked as if it could use a bit more reinforcement. I shot a web over it. I laid down. And for some reason, someone already knew were I would be. "I take it you want to go home?" It was Jason. Who I didn't really want to talk to currently. I turned away from him. "I take it you heard what I said about you?" Jason sat down next to me. "You know I only want the best for you, right?" He said, I just closed my eyes. "You know, the night I came back, I felt like I failed Bruce. Like I failed Barbara, Dick, and Alfred. And then I saw that Bruce brought in Tim, replaced me. He views me as his greatest failure." He kicked some sand. "I didn't take out my anger correctly. I hurt people. I became the man in the alleyway." He stated. I sighed and sat up. "I just didn't want that to happen to you." I noticed he was holding a gift box. "Tim and Alfred helped me make it. Well, I just made a design and the other two actually made. But don't open it until you need to get a new suit." He handed me the box. "Now what'd you say we go home?"

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