One time.

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"You're gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna hit me!" I said, avoiding another attack from Theodore. "Come on! My grandma is faster than you!" I quipped. I slid under his legs, jumping back up and kicking across his back. He swiftly recovered and grabbed my leg, throwing me onto the floor. As I tried to get up he put his boot on my chest. "You're gonna have to stop with the quips, they'll distract you from thinking about what your opponent will do next," Theodore said, walking over to his water bottle. I stood up, dusting off the dirt that got on my chest. "If I stop with the quips, I'll end up like Batman, being feared by the people who I'm trying to save. It's what Spider-Man's known for." I told him, Theodore looked back at me. "You're not Spider-Man right now, you're Y/N." Theodore said, walking past me and out of the training room. "Keep practicing, as Y/N, not Spider-Man." He said before leaving, I looked down at my hand, forming a fist. Between losing my dad, my friends all leaving, Cass and me... splitting up. I'm not sure if he's right. Maybe Spider-Man should be feared. But then again, if I have the people who I want to help, against me more than they already are. What's the point?

"Let me guess, existential crisis?" Wallace said, appearing next to me. "Holy shit man! You've gotta stop doing that!" I told him, falling over. Wallace laughed, then helping me up. "It's so funny though!" He joked, zooming out and in with some pizza. "Pineapple?" He asked me, taking a bite of his slice. I looked at him like he was insane. "I'll take that as a no," Wallace said before appearing with a normal pepperoni slice. "Now that's more like it," I said, taking the slice of pizza. "Where's this from? The gas station?" I asked Wallace, he looked at me. "Uh..." Wallace then looked to the side. "Wally, where did you get this pizza?" I asked Wallace, while he took a bite out of his pineapple slice. "Joe's Pizza, New York City..." He said quietly, I ran my free hand down my face. Wallace, you don't have to run all that way for a pizza, I would've been fine if it was just a frozen one." I told him, and he sighed. "I know, it's just that I know you've never been to New York City, so I thought I'd just get you something nice from it. The pizza there is so good!" He told me, I took a bite out of my pizza before speaking. "Technically, I have been to the big city, but it was just my clone that went," I told him. Jeez, it's been a while since I've talked about Ben. "Wait you have a clone?" Wallace asked. "Long story I'm not willing to go into today," I told him, continuing to eat my pizza. He shrugged and ate his.

Now that I think about it, why are the Batfamily so close with the speedsters? I mean, there's Barry and Bruce, Wally and Dick, Tim and Bart, And me and Wallace. If you count me as a member of the Batfamily. Cass entered the room. Oh boy. "Wallace, Theodore's doing a test mission or whatever he called it, the others are waiting for you. Not you Y/N, he wants you to stay here." She told Wallace, who disappeared without a trace. Just leaving me and Cass, I sighed. "Hey, I just-" I tried to talk to her. "No, I'm not going to listen to whatever you have to say Y/N, I've already told you that we're done."  Cass said before leaving. "-wanted to tell you I'm sorry..." I said to myself, fuck. How many times am I gonna have to run straight into a brick wall before I realize I won't get to Hogwarts or whatever it's called.

I walked around the training room, wondering if I train more, sleep, maybe call Tim, or just cry in my room while listening to music. Or I can do all of them in that order. The training dummies were the only thing in the room keeping me company. I sat down and laid my head against the wall. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this stupid hero gig. I should've just tried to get a job at taco bell like every teen does. But nope, I had to go and work at Wayne tech. I wasn't even a scientist, I was just the janitor. But then again, if I never became Spider-Man, I'd be in a worse place than I would be as before, not enough money to take care of myself, my dad would still die, and I never would've gotten closure with my mom. And I never would have met people like Tim. Maybe this hero thing isn't so bad.

"Boo." Rose said from beside me, I jumped up. "Can you guys stop popping up from nowhere? Jesus Christ!" I said, almost falling over. First Wallace, now Rose, what's Spider-senses good for if they don't help me! Well, then again, it only alert's me when there's a threat nearby. "Wait, I thought everyone was on a test mission, why are you here?" I asked Rose, she sat down next to me. "I've been here the longest, I also knew you needed more training. Something to get your mind off Cassandra." She told me, I sat back down. I looked at my hands, I didn't have my web shooters. "Can I use webs?" I asked Rose, she looked at me confused. "You weren't already?" Rose questioned. "Theodore didn't want me to. Something about not having to rely on a gadget to win a fight. He told me this on my first day and is still insisting on no webs." I told Rose, she stood up, walking over to an assortment of swords. "Use those things all you want, you don't see Batman without his grappling hook," Rose said, I nodded and put on my web shooters. I noticed some small dents and scratches in them, I guess two years of using these things left a mark. Maybe I should make some new ones with Tim when I get back.

"You ready?" Rose asked, twirling her katanas. I looked over at her. "Just don't cut my hand off." I joked, cracking my neck. "So I can chop off the legs still? Great." She joked back, running at me. "Hey, I didn't-" I tried to speak before avoiding two slashes from Rose. I jumped onto the roof. "Fight me like a real man!" She said, looking up at me. "That sounds like a you problem." I quipped before jumping back down and sweeping her legs. Rose kicked back, creating a gap between use. Using my webs, I swung around her. Rose quickly chopped the web with her katana, causing me to go head first into the wall. "I thought these things were bulletproof Tim..." I said to myself, standing back up. Only to narrowly avoid a slash to the face. "Thought you weren't gonna try and kill me!" I shouted, sticking to the roof once again. "Oh relax, I knew you were gonna dodge it," Rose said, I shook my head, flipping down. "Here, hold this," I said, before attaching a web onto Rose's chest. "Huh?" Is all she said before going straight up and sticking onto the ceiling. "Now I see why Theodore doesn't want you using those in training." She laughed, trying to escape the webs.

"Could you help me down maybe?" She asked, I nodded and stuck to the wall, crawling up and over to her. "Just give me a second to pull this off you. Be prepared to grab onto me if you don't want to fall down." I told Rose, slowly pulling off the webs. I pulled them off, Rose grappled onto me. Landing on the floor, Rose kicked me onto the floor. "I win." She chuckled, I rubbed my head. "Very funny, can you get off me now?" I asked Rose, she looked down at me. "I thought we could do another type of training..." She said, lowering herself onto my lap, allowing me to only sit up looking at her. "Hey, I know what you're doing, but I'm not sure if I want to just rebound off Cass, onto you," I told her, she ran her hands up my back. "I know, so I was thinking this could just be a one-time thing. What'd you say?" She asked me, slowly lifting my shirt. "One-time thing..." I said, Rose smiled, pushing me back onto the ground after taking my shirt off.

(I can't write stuff like that. Anyways you guys ready for about eight more chapters of Y/N being depressed? Because I am!)

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