The Titans! Issue 1.

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My alarm went off, however I slapped it before I could actually wake up. I just wanted to sleep. But I had a job to do, and that was to be Spider-Man. I got up and out of bed and walked over to my closet, grabbing my backpack and suit, I ran downstairs, putting on said suit and putting some bread in the toaster. Since Otto was out sick I didn't have to go to work today. The toast sprung out of the toaster and I pulled it to me with a web. I walked back upstairs to my window and opened it, I put my mask on and ate the toast "Time to get to work." I said, getting ready to jump out the window, but my phone rang. It was Dick "Hey Dick, it's Y/N." I said, picking up the phone "Hey Y/N, how would you like the chance of a lifetime?" He asked me, I tilted my head "No Dick, I'm not investing in NFTs." I told him, Dick laughed like he was hit with the Joker toxin.

Dick stopped laughing but his tone was still light "No Y/N, I mean a chance to join the Titans." Dick told me, I stopped everything for a moment "Like, THE Titans?" I asked him, just to make sure. "The Titans." He said, I sat down. "Wait but isn't that in San Francisco?" I asked him, not wanting to leave Gotham just yet "Yes. But, this is just to see if you'll be a good member of the team and enjoy where you are." He said, I stood out and looked out the window. "How would I get there?"

Next thing I knew, I was in a Bruce's private Jet with Damian and Tim, Damian looked at me with a sour look "So Grayson really thinks you have what it takes?" Damian asked, I was about to respond but Tim cut me off before I could even say anything "Don't respond Y/N, he'll attack you in the middle of the night." Tim said, he was looking out the window with a gloomy face. " As if!" Damian said like the child he was. "Damian, even if you did attack me, I would kick your ass." I said smugly. Damian had the most bleak expression on his face "I am the heir to both the al Ghul and the Wayne families and you think you could beat me?" He said, he was getting mad. I remembered what Jason told me once "Didn't Jason sleep with your mom." That set Damian off and he leaped at me, Tim grabbed onto the back of his shirt "No fighting on the plane!" Tim shouted at Damian, Damian sat back down "Just because you have powers doesn't mean I can't beat you." Damian was acting all high and mighty, until Dick called us. Tim picked up the call.

"Hey Dick." He said, a empty blue hologram appeared on the wall "Hey guys, I'm just calling to introduce you to the team you'll be working with." Dick told us, Damian raised his eyebrow as the first member appeared "Connor Kent, otherwise know as Superboy." A hologram of a Superman lookalike with a black shirt and leather jacket was shown to us "Rose Wilson, daughter of Deathstroke. She goes by Ravager." I had a off feeling since Deathstroke is one of the villains I've fought the most. The next hologram appeared "Rachel Roth, you might know her better as Raven." I remembered seeing her on TV once "And your supervisors way." He said, looking at a piece of paper, he sighed "Jason Todd and Roy Harper." Tim sighed, about to hang up and turn the plane around "Tim, I didn't make the teams, Bruce did before he kinda got shot in the head." Damian looked down, I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him "But, we can fix that." Dick said, we all looked up at him "Rose says that she may have a possible way to heal Bruce, of course she doesn't know who Bruce his since we can't completely trust her yet." What Dick said made sense.

The plane finally landed "Well, I guess I'll catch you guys on the flip side." Dick hung up, I went to grab my things, tossing Tim his bags, Damian looked at me "What? You can get your bags yourself." I told him, Tim laughed. Damian had a angry expression on his face "I'm joking." I tossed Damian his bag, he looked at me with a smile "Maybe I'll go easy on you." He said, I smiled. We walked over to where a car was waiting, Jason rolled down the window "One of you guys have a drivers license right? I'm still considered dead." Jason asked, I looked at Tim, he shook his head. "We'll just hope I don't crash into anything." Jason pointed a finger gun at us, we got in the car.

Metallica was playing on the radio. "Oh you've gotta be kidding me." Tim said, groaning. I just grabbed my earbuds and turned on my own music until we got there. The car ride was short, but long enough for me to look at the city, it was peaceful compared to Gotham. It also smelled better. We finally got to the T shaped building. We all exited the car and grabbed our bags "Now Dick wants me to show me your guy's rooms but I want to hang out with Roy. You'll find them yourselves, consider it your first mission. Jason walked up to the door, it scanned him "RED HOOD. Permission granted." The door said, he allowed us in "How did we get stuck with the dead one and ex-addict..." Damian said, I could tell he wanted to see Dick and not Jason. We took the elevator up, as we got up we say Roy talking to the other recruits "Look who it's is!" Roy quickly turned to Jason, the other recruits did too. Rose looked at me with a smile, I could already tell I should've stayed in Gotham.

(Hey, Bird here
This is gonna be another 3 maybe 4 chapter arc so yeah, be ready for that.)

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