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I woke up in what I could only tell was the medical room of the manor, I saw Alfred over by a desk. He turned around to look at me "Good to see you awake Master L/N. I'll inform the others immediately." He said, standing up from his desk and walking towards the door, he opened it, I could see Cass and Tim standing outside "He's ok." Alfred said to the two. They both walked in. "Bruce is not gonna be happy you know." Tim stated, leaning against a wall. "Glad you're ok." Cass said, sitting beside the medical bed. I could tell she's been working on her English.

Jason came running in, he was still in costume "He's okay?!" He shouted in relief, the goblin child came in after "Impressive, I didn't expect to see you think that quick with Crane's fear toxin." I swear he had the most annoying voice ever. "Is your leg okay?" Jason asked me, I looked at it, remembering how Scarecrow almost tore it off. "It'll heal. Hopefully." I said, Alfred walked back in with a glass of water. "Hey, is my suit ok? It must've gotten ripped a lot." I took the glass of water. "Unfortunately it's not, I'll get to making a new one now." Alfred said, walking out of the room "Wait! Alfred I can make one myself, you don't have to make me a new." I said before he left.

"He's still gonna do it you know." Jason said, Damian pulled a phone out of his pocket "Bruce should be home soon." Damian said, Another person walked well, rolled in, along with Dick.

" Damian said, Another person walked well, rolled in, along with Dick

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(Barbara Gordon debut: Detective comics #359)
"Hey Barbara." Jason said as they walked in. "Hey Jason." Barbara said, rolling to the computer of the room "I guess you're Y/N?" She said, logging into the computer "Yeah that's me." I responded as she opened a email. "Well nice to meet you. Bruce should be here in about ten minutes. He wants to talk to Y/N alone." Jason bit his bottom lip "Welp, good luck." He shrugged, walking out of the room. "Dick, I got the download we can go now." I guess that Dick and Barbara were working on a case. The two walked out of the room, Damian followed. "Were the web shooters useful?" Tim asked me, I looked at the stand next to me, they were sitting on it. "Yeah, they saved my life. Thanks." I said as, Bruce who was still in costume walked in, Tim and Cass walked out as he did.

He stood there for a second, looking at my wounds. "You did good. But I'm not happy." He said, I could tell he was mad "You could've died, you know that right?" I stayed silent "I don't want you to fight people like Scarwcrow or Joker yet. You haven't had enough training." His tone was sincere yet laced with a tone of anger. "I just wanted to help." I said, I clenched my fist "I've seen a lot of people die, even myself. I've lost Jason and my own son, I can't be losing a new kid." He sat down. He grabbed a letter from his pocket, he handed it to me. "Read that later. I'm guessing your dads funeral is tomorrow?" He asked me, god that hurt "Yeah." I responded, not wanting to talk. "Again, I'm fine with you stopping crime but leave the big stuff to me and the others. I'll be going now." He exited the room, Tim entered again. "I'm guessing he told you about how he doesn't want you to go after the big villains?" He asked me, I put the letter on the stand. "Yeah." I responded bluntly. "Also you should read that letter, I put in a good word for you." He said, leaving the room. "What?" I asked myself.

I laid back on my pillow. "Boo." Cass said bluntly, from the corner of the room "Holy shit where'd you come from!?" I shouted, Cass is gonna give me a heart attack one day "Door." She laughed and sat in a chair "What do you want to eat." She periodically stopped in between words. "I'm not hungry." I said, Cass broke off a piece and handed it to me "Alfred made it, they're good." She said in her monotone voice, I took the cookie and ate it "Pretty good..." I smiled, she did as well "You want to watch something?" I asked her, since there was a TV in the medical room. "No, I have mission with Spoiler." She said, she stood up "See you in the morning." She said, in a more happy tone. She left the room. "Am I blushing?" I mumbled to myself

I was able to get to sleep faster tonight. When I woke up I saw Tim by a microscope mumbling things "Good morning." I sat up. My injuries felt better "Hey Y/N." He payed almost no attention to me "What're you doing?" I asked him, he examined what ever he was looking at. "You have Accelerated healing, not a healing factor like Deathstroke, just faster than the normal man." He drank from a mug of what I assumed was coffee "Your clothes are on the stand for the funeral." Oh yeah, that was today...

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