Birds and Lizards. Issue 2

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I laid still in my bed, unable too sleep. I felt horrible about myself. I sat up, deciding I didn't need sleep. I walked over to my closet, taking out my suit. I looked at my mask, I wasn't sure if I was fit too be a hero. I turned around too my window, seeing Cass there. She opened the window, walking in. "Cass, you didn't need too come here." I told her, putting my mask in my pocket. She walked over to me, giving me a hug. It comforted me, made me feel a tiny bit happier. I just wanted too stay with her forever. "It'll be okay." She told me, holding the back of my head. "It'll be okay."


Connors room was completely silent, which was odd since MJ or Harry would be with him normally. "Y/N my boy, what is it!?" He seemed happier than normal, good too know he's okay. "I just need some advice." I said, taking a seat across from him. "Advice on what?" He asked me "Have you ever lost someone, and you didn't know what to do about it?" I said, Connors tilted his head. "Y/N, is this about your father?" He questioned me, I nodded, not wanting him to know about my moms death. "Y/N, I've never really lost anyone close too me, but I want you to know that you'll always be able too push through, especially when you're young." He told me, attempting to comfort me. "My advice, try too find someone too love, try and find a group of people that you can call a family." He said. I already had all of that; Cass, Tim, Damian, Jason, the rest of the Batfamily. "If you ever need too take a day off, you can tell me. My door is always open." He said, standing up, that's when I noticed that he had both of his arms.

"Wait, how'd you..." I paused, looking at the arm, he looked at me confused. Then surprised. "I figured it out!" He said happily, I was happy for him as well. He looked at the time. I noticed a bit of scales on the lower part of his neck. I thought I was just seeing things. Connors seemed worried, then rushing out of the room. What he said stuck with me, 'I figured it out!' I was definitely taking it out of context, but maybe I should try to figure things out. Who my friends are, who my family is, and the people I can trust. I left the room, then the campus, grabbing my mask. I made sure nobody was around before I put it on. I began to swing away, taking in every second of it.


I sat next to Tim and Cass, along with a box of pizza too our left. "Who do you guys would win in a fight; Jimmy Neutron or Batman?" I joked, Cass just continued too eat her slice of pizza. "Depends, is it a hand-to-hand combat or a battle of IQ." I knew it was Tim, but dead god did I never expect him to start acting like the damn Riddler. "It was a joke Tim." I said, he nodded and went back to eating his pizza.

We sat in silence, there wasn't much too talk about either way. There wasn't much crime as well, having another vigilante around helped that, along with the fact that any of the other crime would be handled by some else of the Batfamily. It was nice to be able to relax. Bruce's recovery also made things a bit less stressful. Tim's phone rang, he stood up. "I gotta go, sorry guys." He said, walking back. I nodded as he ran off.

Cass leaned on my shoulder. I looked at her before looking back at the sleepless city. "Love you." She mumbled, I could tell that she was a bit tired, she was working a lot in the past two nights. "Do you want me too swing you back to the manor?" I asked her, she nodded. I picked her up and began to swing away.


"I don't see a problem down here Croc." Deadshot said, walking beside Killer Croc. "I broke you out of Arkham for a reason, if you can't find that pest I'll put you back in there." Croc said, sewer water running down the stream. "I know that this is Gotham, but you're absolutely sure you saw a giant lizard crawl across the walls?" Deadshot asked, Croc nodded. It was silent for a moment, before a crack could be heard from behind them. Deadshot quickly whipped around, pointing his arm at where the sound came from. Croc turned around as well. "Guess you were right big guy." Deadshot said, analyzing the where the sound came from. "This guy looked as big as me, so be careful." Croc said, walking closer to Deadshot so he wouldn't get ambushed.

Another sound was heard from behind them, and Croc was clawed in the back, causing him to fall into the sewer water. "Croc!" Deadshot shouted, shooting at the creature that was attacking them. The creature blocked the bullets with its arm. Croc jumped at whatever was attacking them, biting at their arm. He tried to bite it off. The creature that resembled a lizard screamed, throwing Croc against the wall. It then stared at Deadshot, who pulled a rifle off of his back. It began to run at Deadshot, Croc jumping at its back before it could get too him.

Croc tore off its arm, the creature released a loud scream. Throwing Croc onto the ground, it began to claw at his face. Deadshot looked on in horror. His bullets that seemed too do nothing didn't help either, so he began too run, throwing a grenade back as he did. The creature released one last scream before the grenade exploded, rubble creating a blockade to separate the two. "What the hell was that..." Deadshot said too himself. Whatever it was, it was after him.

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