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(TW: Death)

"Aura! Aura! Can you hear me!?"

Aura lied on the ground unresponsive, her suit burned and torn revealing her bloody and bruised skin underneath. Her mask thrown aside after she collasped and Spiderman rushed to catch her, catching her seconds from hitting the ground. 

Minutes ago, Tony snapped the infinity stones and dusting Thanos and his army away. Aura grabbed Tony's shoulder the moment he snapped his fingers and the stones grew brighter. A flash of light blinded everyone before dimming down, revealing Thanos' army disappearing.

Tony threw the gauntlet aside feeling exhausted but alive. Jocelyn, on the other hand, collasped on the ground the moment the flash disappeared. All of the Avengers rushed over to the teenager frantic.

Peter was freaking out, Lucas was shouting at Tony to do something, and Tony stared at the teenager sadly.

"Come on, Princess. Y-you need to wake up." Spiderman shook Jocelyn's hand that was resting on her stomach.

Her head was elevated by a rock and her body limp against the ground. Spiderman held one of her hands tightly between his, sobbing against it. 

"...I-I can't lose you too." He sobbed out, looking at the unconscious girl in front of him.

"Wake her up, Stark! You must have something that could wake her up!" Lucas tore off his mask and began shouting at Tony angrily with tears in his eye.

Tony was frowning sadly next to Pepper and Hawkeye. All three of them looking at the teenager with the same amount of sorrow. Though Tony felt the most guilt, feeling deja vu from the same event that occurred five years ago.

Tony let out a deep sigh. "F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" He asked weakly.

"Her vitals are low, sir. She is seconds away from death. Would you like me to call an ambulance?" 

Tony glanced at Pepper, seeing tears form in her eyes being in debt to Jocelyn. The teenager would never even know that she saved Tony's life: a man, a husband, and a father.

Lucas glanced between Aura and Tony frantically in fear. "Do something!" Lucas shouted again, fear evident in his voice, a tear falling down his cheek.

"Call the ambulance and send it quickly." Tony instructed his A.I. inside of his suit.

Spiderman slid off his mask revealing the tearful, puffy, red eyed boy under it. He held the mask over Aura's hand, holding it tightly. "Come on, Jocie. Y-you have to wake up. P-please I, I, can't lose you. Y-you're my best friend and partner in crime. You, you, have to wake up! J-just open your eyes for me, come on Jocie..." Peter sobbed out.

"Is there anything we can do?" Captain America asked Captain Marvel sadly, who he assumed would have the most knowledge about the stones.

Captain Marvel released a deep sigh and looked back at the Captain with a frown on her lips. "Sadly, even I don't know what to do. The stones reacted with her powers and it is something I have never seen or heard about before. " She admits sadly, glancing back at the teenager on the ground.

Captain America let out a sad deep breath, glancing back at Stark.

Tony stared at the teenager with tears in his eyes. He was losing the girl he already lost once before. Proving that he failed to save her, yet again. The last time Steve has seen Tony in such despair was five years ago, when Tony arrived back on Earth and he explained he lost all three kids.

Pepper placed a hand on Tony's shoulder, both knowing it was far too late to save Jocelyn this time.

"Wake up...wake up...wake up..." Peter kept mumbling to himself, not allowing himself to accept the fact that Jocelyn stopped breathing seconds ago.

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