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Not a single cloud was hanging over the beautiful day in Queens. The sun shone brightly through the blue skies, birds sung cheerfully, and not a single car horn rang in the distance. The small city Queens was strangely happy today. As everyone had a smile on their face and not a single crime was occurring.

But Jocelyn saw the beautiful day as the universe trying to mock her. 

Jocelyn had this impression that Peter may actually attend Homecoming with her. The two had started talking more frequent and she thought she finally had a chance with him. But she was only setting herself up to be let down. Her mood dropped drastically after the interaction she had with Peter and Ned today, feeling both humiliated and disappointed.

Gwen invited her friends to watch her soccer game after school but Jocelyn lied saying she had homework and packing to do for her trip to Washington. Truthfully, all of her homework and packing was done. Jocelyn just wanted a break from all of her friends for a moment to think. Think about her feelings.

She was resting on her back on a hard concrete rooftop of an apartment building. Her black and white spandex suit hugged her figure tightly. With one leg was bent and the other was extended out while her hands rested on her stomach. Jocelyn had hoped to find some crime to distract her but all the criminals decided to take the day off apparently. So Jocelyn was laying down and gazing on the sky, hoping to see a cloud or something to distract her mind as her thoughts took over.

What if her friends were right? What if it was time to get over her crush on Peter?

It was definitely easier said then done. Jocelyn's feelings for Peter wasn't just some silly crush that was easy to get over. Sure she had crushes on celebrities before. Like Harry Styles or Justin Bieber. But those crushes were just based from attraction. Those crushes make your heart race imagining meeting them even though you know it would never happen.

But Jocelyn's crush on Peter was different. It was a crush based from emotion, not attraction. Whenever she sees him, Jocelyn suddenly feels like she can't breath. Her heart races and her palms get sweaty. Peter's smile can make her day instantly better, even though he doesn't put in much effort. Jocelyn had depended on him to be there when her mom died and he did not fail. He was there to hold her when she cried or joked around with her to make her laugh. Jocelyn looks at Peter as if he was her entire world. Her entire future.

But he had never noticed or cared for her feelings. And although Jocelyn has tried to stop these feelings to protect herself, she can't. She won't. Because some part of her believes that Peter may feel the same way. Constantly tells herself she just has to keep waiting and holding on to these feelings for just another day. But the cycle never ends.

She never did believe in soul mates. But what if, in some another crazy world, Peter was hers. She knew it was a stretch but her feelings weren't just something natural. It was like something had bonded them together. But she was right. She was bonded to a side of Peter and he was bonded to the other side of Jocelyn.


Jocelyn's head rolled to the left seeing Spiderman landing on the building gracefully and started jogging towards her. He had a bounce in his step from being energetic like always but he always is this joyful when he sees her.

"It has been a while, Princess." Spiderman laughed taking a seat beside her landing with a thud on the rooftop.

Jocelyn hummed tiredly and rolled her head back to the sky above. "Yeah."

Spiderman's eyes narrowed on her, confused on her bleak comment. "What? No sassy comeback? No witty remark?" He teased, giving her arm a small nudge with his hand staring down at her.

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