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Five days later

Jocelyn hated the darkness.

After spending five years in an underground compound rarely seeing sunlight and being trapped in cyrofreeze with nothing but her thoughts, she grew a hatred towards the ominous black void. 

So when her eyes fluttered open to see the sunlight beaming in her bedroom, a small smile appeared on her lips seeing the familiar ceiling. A yawn escaped her lips as she sat up, running a hand over her eyes tiredly.

"Jocelyn, you up?" Her dad shouted from the kitchen hearing movement from her room.

"Coming!" Jocelyn replied tiredly.

She swung the blanket off of her legs and moved her body to the side of the bed. Standing up, she let out a large stretch while still smiling as her eyes gazed around her room. Why wouldn't she be smiling? She was back home in Queens, in her old bedroom finally free from her past demons.

"Foods getting cold!" Dave shouted a warning, hurrying her to come out.

Jocelyn chuckled and grabbed the housecoat off of the end of her bed, sliding it over her pyjamas with a comforted feeling. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming." She muttered slipping her hair out from the housecoat and sliding her fuzzy slippers on. She rushed to her bedroom door and swung it open walking out. The scent of eggs and bacon filled the small apartment but was a favourite scent of Jocelyn's.

She stepped around the corner to see her dad in the kitchen making breakfast. The television in the living room played the news channel to fill the silence and update the viewers about boring local news.

Though the subtitle "Tony Stark was seen entering Avenger Compound with Steve Rogers a day ago..." caught her attention.

"Ah, look whose finally awake." Jocelyn's dad teased turning around with a pan of scramble eggs in hand. Jocelyn looked off the television and towards her dad, rolling her eyes though her smile remained present.

"It is a Saturday. I have the right to sleep in." Jocelyn stated taking a seat in a stool at the kitchen island.

Dave chuckled and began dividing the eggs onto two plates on the kitchen island. "According to who?" He asked glancing up at his daughter with a teasing smile.

"Me." Jocelyn beamed earning a heart-filled chuckle from her dad. Dave turned back around to grab the pan with bacon and brought it over to the two plates to distribute the pieces evenly.

"How are your stitches?" Dave asked concerned, looking at the stitch above Jocelyn's left eye.

Jocelyn shrugged and crossed her arms on the island. "A bit sore but the medication is helping." She stated honestly.

Dave smiled at the reply, relieved to hear that she was feeling better.

Five days ago, Dave thought he lost his daughter when he saw the compound internally collapse on itself. He was awaiting for his daughter in a van within the underground garage when the facility began to crumble. He sped the van out of the garage, making sure it was secure as it was their ride to safety before running back in. Before he had a chance to step back in the entrance to find and save his daughter, the entire building collapsed on itself.

Dave thought he lost his daughter but a blink of an eye later, she appeared in front of him unconscious. He was unsure how that had happened but he was eternally thankful she was alive.

Jocelyn remembered it differently. 

She remembered her powers glowing brighter every passing second and seeing Carlos eyes widen in terror. She remembers seeing Owen charge in the room with his powers ready to stop her when the cage roof collapsed and released boulders falling towards them. Owen blasting the boulders to dust and went to attack Jocelyn, when Jocelyn's powers gotten so bright and quite literally exploded. 

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