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After the ferry accident, Jocelyn woke up in a hospital room wearing a white hospital gown being treated by a woman named Doctor Cho. The doctor had black hair, fair skin, and a kind smile. After Jocelyn had a mild panic attack, the woman sweetly explained what had happened and that Jocelyn was in safe care. She gave Jocelyn some medication to help with the pain and stated how she worked for Tony Stark, clarifying that Jocelyn's identity would remain a secret. Jocelyn was confused but relieved to know she was okay from remembering what happened on the ferry earlier that day.

After Dr. Cho finished a few tests testing for broken bones or internal bleeding, Jocelyn was given the all-clear and was sent home in the next hour. Dr. Cho gave her a phone number to call if she ever feels ill and called her a taxi wanting to make sure the young teenager got home safely. Jocelyn just met Dr. Cho but she knew she could already trust the doctor with her life. Jocelyn thanked the doctor for everything, including a spare set of clothes and a bag to hold her suit, driving away from the hospital in the back of the taxi.

When she arrived home, her dad was awaiting at the front door to give her an earful. Not only was Jocelyn two hours past her curfew but she didn't answer her phone once. He was furious at Jocelyn for her irresponsibility and worried sick for her safety. Especially when the news was all about a ferry attack, Dave couldn't help but assume his daughter was on the boat from her not picking up any texts or calls. 

Dave was minutes away from calling the police and Captain Stacy when Jocelyn arrived home.

Before Jocelyn went to bed, Dave had given Jocelyn an earful for a good hour. And Jocelyn, who have have been alive for 16 years, had never seen her dad this mad.  

He shouted at her for being so irresponsible and grounded her for a week to have no television and an earlier curfew. Jocelyn didn't protest. She knew she deserved it even though her life was shit at the moment.

Dave hates to admit but Jocelyn was not the same girl she used to be. More recently than ever, she had become more secretive and isolated, and Dave feels like he is losing his daughter. He hates shouting at her but he can not let her get away with this.

After Dave shouting at Jocelyn, she departed for her room and locked the door. That night, Jocelyn allowed her emotions to pile up and cried herself to sleep. After everything that had happen recently, she couldn't contain her emotions any more.

From being heartbroken, filled with guilt, and almost dying, Jocelyn was exhausted and just wanted a break. That night, alike many others, she wished she didn't have this power. She wished she never in that explosion. She wished she never lost her mom. Jocelyn cried herself to sleep that night.

This burden and weight on her shoulders wasn't a subject she could talk to her friends about. How would they understand the pressure of living a double life?  She couldn't talk to Spiderman after what had happened between them. 

So who could she talk too?


Thursday morning arrived quickly and Jocelyn woke up early to divert her dad's presence. After being shouted at, Jocelyn wanted to ignore him as much as possible until after school. She wanted to at least give herself a  good morning before reality slapped her in the face again.

Jocelyn was in a somber mood and dressed the part. Her bed-head hair was tied back in a bun and wore a black hoodie too match her mood. Dark wash jeans hugged her legs to match her blank grey sneakers. The usual happy girl had a frown on her lips and everyone that day noticed a cloud over the schools sweetheart.

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