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**TW: Suicide. Read at your own risk.**

The news of Midtown's decathlon team almost dying and being saved by their neighbourhood Spiderman was trending all across the media. 

Mr Harrison had made the call to go back early due to the multiple concerned calls he gotten from parents and families of the students. Leading to the students all gathering their luggage from the hotel and crammed back on the school bus to rush back to the school, immediately.

After almost dying, Jocelyn had barely said a word to anyone. Her phone began to explode from texts from her dad, Ellie, her best friends, and even some random students in her grade asking to see if she was okay. But she only responded to her family and close friends, giving them all the same blunt answer: "I'm fine."

Liz hadn't left Jocelyn's side since the accident. She had never seen Jocelyn so quiet and believed she needed someone beside her, even if Jocelyn requested it. Just the small glimmer in Jocelyn's eye when she saw Liz beside her was enough to assure Liz that Jocelyn needed someone there. Even if she never verbally admitted it.

Peter had magically reappeared after the accident. To explain his absence, Peter said he had caught a stomach flu and didn't notice his phone exploding with texts. Mr Harrison, however, was just thankful that Peter was alive. 

The entire bus ride home was deadly silent. Cindy was crying softly while on the phone with her parents. Flash was playing some game on his phone. And Liz was whispering comforting things to Jocelyn. But Jocelyn just stared out the window distantly.

Peter watched Jocelyn from the back of the bus worried as Ned was freaking out in excitement beside him about Spiderman saving the day. In all of his life of knowing Jocelyn, Peter had never seen her so quiet and broken. She usually had a sweet welcoming smile on her face to match her bubbly attitude. She always spoke cheerfully and always lightened up everyones day. But she sat there empty and silent with a small frown on her lips.

And Peter was worried.

The bus arrived at the school where all the parents rushed to find their kid. Dave and Ellie were nervously waiting for Jocelyn to step off the bus and when she did, they met her with a tight hug.

When Dave heard the news of what happened he thought he lost his daughter. He felt a piece of him break thinking that he lost another person he loved. He would eternally be greatful to Spiderman for saving his daughter's life. And when he held his daughter, he hugged her just a bit tighter and tears of joy ran down his cheeks happy she was okay.

Ellie, on the other hand, was terrified. Being Jocelyn's younger sister, it was normal for the two to argue and banter. But hearing the news that Jocelyn almost died resulted in her feeling guilty for all of their teasing. She doesn't remember the last time she told Jocelyn that she loved her. After loosing her mom, Ellie realized how quickly someone can just die. And she seemed to have forgotten the fact of how quickly everything can change in a day.

It was now Sunday evening and Jocelyn was still in bed staring out her window. 

After arriving home last night, Jocelyn had went straight to her room and went to bed without a word. She had only left her bed to use the restroom but otherwise refused to leave for the past day. Dave and Ellie would check on Jocelyn every so often worried but Jocelyn would barely acknowledge them. Her back would face the door and she would stare out her window beside her bed.

Earlier that Sunday, Gwen, Mary Jane, and Harry had all went to visit Jocelyn to check on her. Gwen brought her some of her mom's famous homemade chicken-noodle soup, Mary Jane brought a copy of Jocelyn's favourite movie "Mamma Mia," and Harry brought a pint of vanilla ice cream which was Jocelyn's favourite. All of them hoping to comfort and cheer her up.

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