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Jocelyn stepped out of the elevator and onto her floor of her apartment complex with the keys jingling in her hands. She hummed along to a random song in her head, walking down the hallway towards her door being home early as Harry had dropped her off first.

It was one of the perks of living the closest to Midtown.

Usually after every school day, Jocelyn heads straight from school to the streets of Queens to fight crime as her second identity. It was a routine for her to run into the alleyway behind Delmar's, her favourite sandwich shop. And change outfits, to then go and fight crime on the streets.

However, today was Tuesday. Meaning it was her night off.

Every Tuesday was Taco Tuesday at the Evan's household. And Taco Tuesday was taken very seriously.

Fiddling with her key in the door, Jocelyn was growing frustrated as it wouldn't fit. The key didn't seem to want to work today making her try flipping and twisting the key different directions to unlock the door.

A door creaking open down the hall filled the silence and alerted Jocelyn's attention. She glanced over seeing her next door neighbour, Owen, step out of his apartment. He had moved in next door the same time Jocelyn's mom passed away. And had always been rather quite yet he seems like a nice guy. He is a full time student at the community college, works as a bartender at night, and rides a sickass motorcycle.

Ellie and Jocelyn have always had a secret crush on their next door neighbour. He was undeniably attractive with his deep brown eyes and soft brown hair. The first time Gwen and Mary Jane had seen him, they too began developing a crush on the boy. However, Owen was much older and way to our of the league for the teenage girls. But the girls kept dreaming of him mindlessly.

Owen heard keys rustling and glanced over seeing Jocelyn struggling once again with her keys. "Hey Jocelyn," Owen shut his door and locked it with his keys "How was school?" He asked slipping his keys and hands in his leather coat pockets, turning to face her.

Jocelyn sighed in defeat giving up on the door dropping her hands to her side. "Exhausting." She admits glancing over at Owen.

Owen chuckled. "Stay in school kid. Or else you will be spending your adult life in community college." He stated referring to himself.

"Please, your life seems amazing." Jocelyn laughed.

Owen shook his head with a kind smile. "Trust me. It is not as glamorous as it seems." He sighed.

Another thing to note about Owen: he is very secretive. The Evan's family have been living next to Owen for a long time. Although he is always kind and polite to the family, they also don't really know anything about him. There are only a few things Jocelyn knows for sure about Owen. Otherwise, he is a closed book. 

Owen's phone began to vibrate from his pocket indicating an incoming call. He took his phone out reading the name on the screen and frowned slightly at the name. 

"I have to go. But I'll see you around, Jocelyn." Owen smiled at the girl as goodbye, turning to walk down the hallway towards stairs enjoying the cardio compared to an elevator ride.

Jocelyn just smiled sweetly in response to her neighbour. After he disappeared down the stairwell, Jocelyn sighed irritated turning her attention back to her keys in her hands.

She spent a minute fiddling with the key in the slot before it finally clicked unlocked. She stepped inside the apartment where the smell of ground beef cooking and the muffled sound of the news channel from the living room filled the apartment.

She shut the front door and kicked off her shoes to the side, tiredly slumped her bag off her shoulder and onto the floor at her feet. Landing with a thud from her numerous textbooks inside. The noise alerted her dad she was home causing footsteps to come from the kitchen.

Webbed Lies - Peter Parker x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang